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North America Workshop Schedule

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Thanks to everyone that provided their feedback on the tentative workshop schedule. We've tried to accommodate as many of the suggestions as possible. The dates and topics of the classroom sessions are listed below.

Guided online learning / self-paced study is still an open topic. We've identified several topics to cover but the details are still coming together. We have asked each of the (classroom) workshop leaders to record their lectures so at a minimum there can be basic knowledge transfer ... but some topics will lend themselves better than others for this learning method.

The logistics document with suggested hotels and airports is attached. Workshop leaders are finalizing their course descriptions as well. Those will be published on the Events page as they're completed.

Please note: these workshops are only available to faculty actively using SAP software in their university curricula, as part of their campus full University Alliances program membership (if your school is interested in joining, see program info on the UAC Program Overview page (

Week 1: HEC Montreal, June 8 - 12

SAP Introduction - 5 days

HEC Business Simulation - 5 days

Business One - 5 days

Week 2: CSU Chico, June 22 - 26

Accounting - 5 days

Business Process Integration One - 5 days

Business Intelligence - 5 days

Supply Chain Processes in SAP ERP - 5 days

Week 3: UW Milwaukee, July 27 - 31

SAP NetWeaver - 5 days

SAP Introduction - 5 days

Business Process Integration Two - 5 days

SAP for Retail - 2 days (30th - 31st)

Not yet scheduled due to instructor availability:




Edited by: Heather Czech on Apr 15, 2009 12:19 PM -- new logistics doc attached.

Edited by: Heather Czech on Apr 23, 2009 6:10 AM. Not sure how the doc became corrupted a 2nd time - sorry! The schedule as well as the event logistics and course descriptions have now been posted on our events page. Checkout the link:

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Has there been any updates to the supply chain management course offering. I am waiting for it to be official.

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At the Curriculum Congress there was discussion of a TERP10 "train-the-trainer" session during the session at Chico, but it does not appear to be in the schedule.

Is the TERP10 session still planned for this summer?


Jim Baroody

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Jim, I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I thought I'd jump in and save Heather some work. That session was cancelled. You'll see some discussion of it in the thread that pre-dated this one on workshop session planning and tentative scheduling in this forum.

Heather has indicated that if we want TERP10 training we'll have to go to a university where it is being offerred, and attend with the students there. We'd also pay the amount they are paying as well. Currently all the sessions are 2 weeks long as the 1 week format materials are not ready.

In order to help me (and others) find out who was doing training, I started a thread in the TERP10 Student Academy area. That can be found in the protected collaboration workspace. It is a bit hard to find as not all subject areas link to it, but there is a link in the "welcome" area that takes you there.

I know that Milwaukee is planning a session as is Grand Valley State. I plan to attend the GVSU session at the end of the summer.

0 Kudos

Hi Jim,

The discussion in CW that Tony refers to in his reply is available at

Information about Grand Valley's offering is available at:

Click on students, then on SAP Certification academy.


Product and Topic Expert
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Please see the events page on UAC for the course descriptions, the logistics info and the schedule.

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Heather, is this schedule final enough for us to go ahead and make firm travel plans?

I've been waiting until I could officially register for sessions to make travel and lodging reservations and submit my travel to the university. Is it safe to do that now or are things still subject to change until registration officially begins?

I also noticed where the web page indicates you were exploring Guided Learning ("The goal with these topics is to record workshops and package the content so that faculty unable to attend a workshop session can get knowledge transfer.") to enhance the training you already do. I really want to thank and commend you guys for exploring that option. I've said in another forum here that I think that the funding situation universities are facing the next few years mandate that kind of solution if the UA program and university SAP-related efforts are to grow. I'm very pleased to see that being worked on.


Edited by: Tony Pittarese on Apr 23, 2009 12:23 PM

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Yes you can plan your trip. The delay with the registration opening is not related to the schedule ... it is because the folks that need to create it for me area balancing a bunch of priorities, so my work is in the queue. If I don't get confirmation on that by COB today, I will take the other approach and do manual registration (complete a form, email in).

With regard to the guided learning -- we're excited about it too. While I strongly believe there will always be a place for face to face workshops --- the network built at those sessions is so valuable and some topics don't lend themselves to distance learning --- we also have several course topics that are straight forward, that we believe with some guidance / direction from the course author faculty should be able to begin using the content without a traditional workshop. We're coordinating with both course authors and workshop leaders on this now. I expect our first venture into this to be "quick and basic" --- meaning, we'll package existing conent and recordings plus schedule some webinars / forums with the goal of knowledge transfer as opposed to spending lots of time making the package look pretty. After we get a few out the door we'll take a look at faculty feedback then adjust as needed.


Product and Topic Expert
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Registration is officially open!

Please see the events page at: for necessary documents.

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Heather, after quite a bit of trial-and-error, I was able to save and open the registration document. It seems to be being protected by the site.

For others having difficulty: I was not able to open the registration form by simply clicking on it. (When I did that a new browser window was launched which ultimately did not load anything.) Instead I right clicked on the registration form link and chose "save target as". Once that document was downloaded, I had to supply my site username and password before the document was finally able to be opened. (The document had to authenticate with the SAP server before it could be opened.)

It seems to me that the way it's deployed currently might cause a few people some headaches. Perhaps it can be tweaked in some way to make it a bit easier.

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I want to attend the accounting session in Chico. I cannot seem to find the logistics informastion on hotels, times, etc. How do I sign up?


Gary Spraakman

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Thanks, Heather.

I cannot find information about how to sign up for the workshops. Has that information been published yet? I appreciate your assistance.

--Jim Lee

BYU Hawaii

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Does this mean the TERP10 train-the-trainer session has been cancelled? (It was previously shown as being offered in Chico.)

Heather, I believe the pdf file you posted seems to be corrupted.

Edited by: Tony Pittarese on Apr 15, 2009 11:11 AM

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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that is correct. faculty wishing to attend TERP10 this summer are invited to attend one of the classes that is on the schedule at campuses across the country.

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Is there a schedule or announcement of what dates/campuses will be offering this?

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The pdf file is corrupted. Can you repost?

Since the TERP10 train the trainer course is canceled for Chico, will we have to pay the course fee to take it at another campus? Is there a possibility to still offer it at Chico if there is enough interest?

Bill Cantor