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Need clarity on Educational background for Functional Consultant.

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I'm a MCA Graduate.Currently i have Domain Experience in Sales 3.2 i planned to do SD certification.

Kindly advise my decision is correct?? since i have a Computer Applications Degree.

i want to utilize my functional knowledge, so i have planned to do SD functional certification.

After the Certification, while searching job preference will be give only those having degree in marketing and sales than me???

Also advise Technical Degree holders can do Functional Certification or else they need to do go with the Technical certifications only like (ABAP)

since after Inquire with one of the Training Institute in Chennai .They said only Peoples having MBA/PGDBM in sales and Marketing are eligible for SAP SD certification..

Please help me..


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Dear Ravi,

The training Institute is absolutely right. You need educational qualification as well as Professional qualification (Experience) for obtaining a certification in SD/MM. In case you clear a certification without both you don't get preference in  job.

You are technical from background so u can only do technical certification. For more help please get in touch with any SAP Associate training Institute.



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Hi Tarun,

Thnaks for your info.

But actually for SAP certification,  we need a Professional Qualification(MCA) with the Domain Experience(3.3 years).then y cant try to do SD certification..



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Yes you can but first tell me-

Do you know supply chain?

Do you know about customer?

About Sales process?

See after certification you are going to work on SAP which is based on organization activity like sales, production, requisition. If you dont know about these things how can u implement?

The Domain experience is must for any certification this will help you to understand SAP academic as well as Practically.

A Biology student can become a Doctor not a Engineer.


Tarun Kumar

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Please check the links at SAP Career Blog Links to get an idea of what you are asking. A career in SAP is not just simply 1, 2, 3. Getting a certificate does not guarantee you a job. Selling stuff retail for a few years does not mean you are ready to learn the SAP Sales and Distribution module (the business processes that a Salesman might touch are actually probably more closely related to SAP CRM.

As Tarun pointed out, working as an SAP SD consultant or support person involves understanding how business works from a macro level. You need to understand business process flows. Your work experience (unless you worked in technical support for Sales, and not actually as a saleperson as you implied) doesn't necessarily prepare you to think about the PROCESS of how sale progresses through a company's ERP system.

Your technical background does not mean that an SAP career for you is limited to only ABAP, but your lack of a thorough business background currently limits your options as a functional consultant. If you would like to continue with SAP functional as a career path, your best bet would be to enroll in an MBA program at the most reputable school to which you can gain entrance. Preferably one with a strong SAP integration (i.e. part of the SAP University Alliance). Your next route would be to try to transfer from the Sales floor to the IT support group that supports your companies sales efforts. If you can't sell your own company on your merits as someone who can support the Sales system, don't believe for a minute that you could get a job as an SAP consultant.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Tarun,

Currently im working as a Sales Admin in a MNC for 3.2 years. And my Job involves receiving the PO, and Quote  from the customers & load as a sales orders in SAP

Loading and configuring the Sales orders into SAP, & Follow up with the Warehouse and Factory, then releasing shipments.

Also involving with releasing invoices with the updated taxation


I have do all the above activities in SAP & knowledge in entire sales process.



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Hi Raj,

As you are working as END User that doesn't mean that you have knowledge of functional.

Look one thing i know, if you want to pursue your career as a SAP Functional associate then go for it don't listen anyone, its up to you but the path is little difficult. As TOM suggest before enrolling to SAP take few years of sales experience it will added advantage for you CV and also business understanding.



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Thanks Tarun For your valuable info.


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This is a MUCH better situation than I had supposed. I thought you were a sales person, but as you are someone who actually interacts with the system, you are much further along. In your company, is there a change management process? If you noticed that you are continually looking up information in a spreadsheet to get your work done, how would you go about proposing a change to the business process. Please diagram the change process and insert the image in your next reply. (Google swim lane diagram or business process diagramming if you've never done it. It's not hard.)

If you can do that, diagram a business process, that is another indicator that you might be able to be a functional consultant some day. Also, if you diagram the process, I can give you specific advice on how to proceed in order to migrate from a sales order processor to someone who supports the SAP system as an SAP SD functional project/system support person, which is the next step you  must take before you become an SAP SD consultant.  Have you read FAQ: Different Career Paths in SAP yet?  Also Advice for Recent College Graduates (aka "Freshers"). These are two blogs from he link I gave you last time. If you haven't read them yet, I suggest you start with those, but all of the blogs are valuable.

Most importantly... do NOT quit your job to get certification. As you will see if you read the rest of the links from the Blogs for folks interested in Certification or just in learning SAP functionality section of the FAQ, that is the number one mistake that folks make and live to regret.

Please reply back with a diagram and we'll help you further.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Thomas,

Even i have 3 yrs of exp. in DATAWAREHOUSING(MSBI), Now i want to change my platfom MSBI to SAP bI/BW, please letme know how can i start and where can i get software.Please help me in this.

Former Member
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Hi Nivass,

It would be a great idea for you to post your own individual question in the forum as you'll get more responses that way, but start by reading all the blogs at SAP Career Blog Links. Since you have some background in BI already, I would recommend picking up some books on SAP BI and see how many of the concepts directly transfer. Also, start researching the classes you need for certification at I'm working on a blog which covers the process of finding the correct certification and getting as much information as possible out of that site so that you can fully prepare for certification, but it's not ready yet. Stay tuned or follow my posts so that you'll be sure to see it when it's ready.

The number 1 rule, though:

     * Do NOT quit your current job to get SAP certified.

Never forget that one. Read through some of the blogs in the SAP Career Blog links and you'll see why.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Thomas,

Thanks for you reply,

Can you share BI/BW step by step learning material plz

Former Member
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Hi Nivass,

One of the most important qualities in someone who wants to work in SAP is a willingness to do research. I've given links to SAP Career Blog Links. and  If you follow the first link, among the many blogs there you'll find a blog that will refer you to BW books. If you follow the second link, you'll find classes that you can take to learn BW.

I suggest you start with some books as that is the cheapest way to find out if you have a knack for BW without investing a lot of time and money. If you need access to a system, then you'll find a blog if you follow the first link that talks about how to get access.

As for "step by step", that's an interesting phrase. The closest you'll get to step by step is taking the classes, but even then you'll not be spoon fed. You'll be expected to research and work hard to understand and master the necessary skills. The class (and certification) is not the end, though, but rather the very beginning. You'll need to have a job that allows you to practice every day and requires you to research and find answers to business problems in order to become proficient.

How you can get that job prior to having experience is the subject of many blogs, several of which can be found by reading through SAP Career Blog Links.  Please feel free to read those blogs and ask any questions that come up in the comments of the respective blog.

I wish you good fortune and good research!!

Best regards,


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hi, i have done MBA in Marketing. i m working in education institute as a course Co-coordinator.

Working under SAP SLCM Module ECC6.0 EHP6 Production Server. Now i want to make my career in SAP but it seems there is no progress for SLCM Module.

so please guide me what steps do i need to take to grow my career in SAP, and in which other SAP modules my present experience will be counted.

Active Contributor
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Though your are from MBA Marketing background, I would suggest you could go with MM/SRM modules. Your SLCM would complement these skills.

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