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learning more about ABAP from home

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I am a ABAP developer and I was recently let go by my company due to a merger with another company. while I am looking for another job, I would like to continue to work on ABAP so that I could get more fimilar with it. I would like to learn more about abap objects and object programming. 

I hear there is a SAP system that you can get to install on your home PC that will let you do development.

is this something that I could download or is there someplace that I need to go to get a copy of this software?

will this software let me do things like workflow and smartforms?

thanks in advance for the help

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I found and downloaded a free version of SAPGUI 7.30 PL2 from SAP IGNITE.

I used the  SAP front end installation guide and I found the section 4.1.2 installing components locally from a distribution Medium which states that this procedure installs SAP front-end software components on a single computer from a distribution medium such as a DVD. I did the install and selected everything to install.

I signed onto the various clients listed below and I am getting a authorization error when trying to run the program ZUSEREXITS using SE38. the authorization object is S_DEVELOP which makes me think that I do not have authorization the develop or run anything.

ERP E62:
Client 300: Not to use at all - it is needed for internal purpose only
Client 400: Customizing, but overwritten frequently at any issue
Client 500: Customizing, but planned to be longterm (Except "nobody" can work at all)
Client 800: Demo/Education: This client typically gets "never" overwritten, but you can only post docuements and cannot do your own customizing. This client is perfect for your training, when you want to post and put some data into the system

ERP E66:
Client 300: BI Client in E66 with full BI Access
Client 500: ABAP Development & Customizing
Client 800: Demo/Education: This client does not allow customizing. This client is perfect for your training, when you want to post and put some data into the system

Clients 500 & 800 do contain more or less the same data - at least "originally". If we have to reset one of these clients, this will definetely be like this again.
As in this system you can do "free ABAP Development", we might restore the complete E66 System from time to time or in order to provide new features for you.

Evaluation of Last Failed Authorization Check of User EXT900001783
Description                                                                                        Authorization values
User Name                      EXT900001783 Authorization Object                     S_DEVELOP
System                         E62          Client                                   400
Date                           02.08.2013   Time                                     15:13:33
Instnce                        TALOS        Profile Parameter auth/new buffering     4
    Authorization check failed
   Object Class BC_C Basis - Development Environment
     Authorization Obj. S_DEVELOP  ABAP Workbench
       Authorization Field ACTVT Activity
       Authorization Field DEVCLASS Package
       Authorization Field OBJNAME Object name
       Authorization Field OBJTYPE Object type
       Authorization Field P_GROUP Authorization group ABAP/4 program
   User's Authorization Data EXT900001783
   Object Class BC_C       Basis - Development Environment
     Authorization Object S_DEVELOP  ABAP Workbench
       Authorizat. ZI62EXTADD02 ABAP Workbench
         Reference User EXTERNAL
         Profl. ZI62EXTADD   Role I62_EXT_ADD
         Role I62_EXT_ADD consolut role for additional authorizations
         Authorization Field ACTVT Activity
         Authorization Field DEVCLASS Package
         Authorization Field OBJNAME Object name
                                                                                                   /-/B*, /D*-/SB*, /SD*-/XAO*, /XAQ*-/Z*, A*-Z*
         Authorization Field OBJTYPE Object type
         Authorization Field P_GROUP Authorization group ABAP/4 program
Failed HR Structure Authorizations
   Date 02.08.2013 15:08:34 Plan Version 01 Obj. Type *  Object ID 00000000 Action DISP