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How can an independent consultant purchase a new 'redesigned' SAP Learning Hub subscription?


SAP recently announced a so-called 'redesigned' SAP Learning Hub, which has two editions: one for people working for customers and another for partnersSAP Offers Professionals New Digital Learning and Certification. 

What are my options as an independent consultant to purchase a new SAP Learning Hub subscription, and why was such a large group of professionals excluded? The previous subscription to the SAP Learning Hub allowed purchases by individuals. Was this just an oversight or a poor decision? Can it be changed so that individual consultants can also purchase it here: New Digital Learning and Certification from SAP?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

SAP Learning Hub, partner edition is only available for SAP partners (members of the SAP PartnerEdge program), but SAP Learning Hub can be purchased by organizations or also by individuals / individual consultants. 
As an independent consultant you can purchase a new SAP Learning Hub subscription, SAP has not excluded individual professionals from the buying mechanism for SAP Learning Hub.  As before, individuals can purchase SAP Learning Hub digitally through the SAP Store. 
If you need help purchasing, please contact the SAP Store digital support.
Does this help to clarify your doubts?

Kind regards


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How does this "SAP Learning Hub" that can be purchased by individuals differ from the "SAP Learning Hub Professional Edition (HUB030)" that was offered in 2023? Is the content as complete and robust?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @dennis-stl'

The redesigned SAP Learning Hub offers access to a vast library of self-paced learning content to upskill across the SAP portfolio.
In addition, it also provides access to guided learning resources, such as expert-led live sessions, hands-on practice systems (with no hour limit), four SAP Certification exam attempts and access to tailored enablement and assessments to keep certifications valid.
For more information on what SAP Learning Hub offers and how to subscribe, please visit this FAQ.
Let me know if you need further support.
Kind regards


Best regards,

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@Margit_Wagner What is the hands-on-practice system with a 60 hour limit?
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@Margit_Wagner, is there a download available that lists all the courses available in the newly redesigned Learning Hub subscription for customers and one for the partners? I have a download from before the hub was redesigned that has similar info (what was included with discovery edition, enterprise support, professional, etc). I did note how much the price has gone down and the inclusion of certifications and live systems! That is fabulous!
@Margit_Wagner Hi, I didn't renew mine the last time because of the changes but I am planning to renew.
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UPDATE:  I am also unable to purchase a Certification Exam attempt subscription either.  The option to purchase is there but after adding to basket, I flip to a screen saying 'you have no items in your basket'.
I attempted to purchase SAP Learning Hub subscription as an individual on June 20, 2024 and have been in a feedback loop with SAP as to why my order was not being processed, i.e., I was not receiving emails with instance / log-in credentials. I had to escalate to SAP Sales and received an email from SAP Support Admin today that it is not possible to purchase as an individual. The representative cited my use of a gmail address on the order as an issue. My question is, can I purchase a Learning Hub Subscription as an individual using my company email address, but pay for it with my personal credit card.

Hi @narone, This is not what @Margit_Wagner said. She mentioned that the SAP Learning Hub can be purchased by individuals or individual consultants as well. Individuals were able to purchase the old Learning Hub on their own. If SAP is excluding individuals from the opportunity to gain SAP knowledge, that is very unfortunate. I really hope it is just some SAP sales representative who is not familiar with the matter. @Margit_Wagner, could you comment on why the SAP support admin does not allow @narone to purchase a Learning Hub subscription as an individual with his Gmail account?
Most of my learning journeys have a practice system but they lead you to the partner edition subscription. The individual Learning Hub that I purchased 4 years ago is no longer available. Furthermore the current unlimited access practice system is only available to people who are in the US, which puts independent consultants in other parts of the world at a disadvantage.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi @narone If there is a purchasing issue, the user should contact their local Training & Adoption team to have them assist in the booking.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi @narone If there is a purchasing issue, please contact your local Training & Adoption team to have them assist in the booking.
Kind regards

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Hello Margit,

Boht the link which you shared to learning hub opens for Partner Edition only. Can you please check and share the link to professional learning hub?


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@Margit_Wagner Hi Margit, i am an independent consulant ('freiberuflicher Unternehmensberater')and try since September1st to purchase Sub Learning Hub via the link you provided. The SAP Store Admin now cancelled my order the second time due to 'missing validations' (i provided my VAT tax certficate and explanations of my status as independent consultant in many emails)). Do you have an advice how i can complete the purchase? Best Regards Marcus

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hi Margit,

i created yesterday a new order using the link and instructions you provided. This morning i got familiar email from SAP Store Admin requesting validations documents:
In order to complete your order, we need to validate your company information.
Therefore, please provide us with any of the supporting documents listed below so that we can validate your account and process your order
The Acceptable supporting documents are:
Link to local government authority websites or registry confirming requested details.
Legally valid documentation (such as Corporate Incorporation Certificate)
Tax certificates/government certificate.

I did not answer yet.

Last time i provided my VAT tax certificate along with some background info. Then my order was cancelled by SAP Store Admin. I wrote then two times to ‚ Customer Service SAP Training and Adoption’ (TRAINING.GERMANY@SAP.COM), but they are appearantly not responsible as their mailbox is not monitored (This mailbox is no longer in use and any inquiries submitted here will not be processed).

I then created a ticket in the new learning support portal, but they routed only to the SAP Store Admin who then cancelled my order for the second time (after asking me for validation information for which i provided again my VAT tax certficate, but to no avail).

The communication with SAP Store Admin is a bit difficult as they never actually said why they would not accept my vat tax certificate. They only did send standard emails.

One issue i noticed after reading your response yesterday. When placing my first order on September 1st, i entered for ‚company’ my last name and ‚Beratung’ (to indicate i am not a private person, but use SAP Learning Hub for business purposes). When placing the order yesterday,  this was defaulted, i could not change this. Not sure if this term ‚Beratung’ confuses the topic for the SAP Store.
I also wrote last week to '' who could not help but suggested to look for help here in the community forum (which i then did)

How do you suggest to proceed with this?
Best Regards

0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

I am sorry that you are having these issues. I am however pleased to announce that we have new functionality built to help support independent consultants.

As of yesterday (23/09), once you press the Buy Now button as shown below, you will now get a question asking if you are purchasing as a company or an individual (Second screenshot).


Please select Individual and go through the remaining steps. As you started this journey before the transition, if you do run into any issues, please reach out to and we would be happy to help you through the journey.

Please note at this point, the functionality only applies to SAP Learning Hub.


Digital Sales Team

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@SheenaC sounds good, but when i follow the link Margit had provided, the questions does not show up. Can you send me a link to the link to the pages you are referring to?
0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

You should first navigate to to register. Please see further images below.


Once you have the account created and move to purchase Learning Hub, DCP will ask you to select if they are purchasing as a company or as individual.


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@SheenaC if register refers to creating a SAP Universal ID, i already have one. The specific screen with reference to DCP commerce storefront i did not find. Is this different account from SAP Universal ID? Also the screenshot to buy the Learning Hub subscription account looks different for me. I am accessing the Learing area starting from german SAP-Website. Does this make a difference? Marcus
0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

As you seem to be seeing a different view I feel I can't advise you correctly without being able to also view.

Can I please ask you to send an email into, we can then set up a screenshare call to determine if we need assistance from IT.

