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Education Loan For Sap Training And Certification Program ?

Former Member

I am Looking for a Education Loan For SAP Training And Certification Program in Bangalore ?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Sunil,

Yes this forum is not right place to get correct answer, it is banks discretion to provide loan or not.

However as I remember, I once got education loan sanctioned for SAP course way back in 2008 from the nationalized bank.

Try government banks like SBI, Bank of India or Bank of Maharashtra...

I sitll will again say that it entirely depends on bank to decide whether to give loan or not.

Sachin Balmiki

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sunil,

The forum is not the right choice for this. The banks are the sole discretion in disbursing the loans. However, I would share my experience.

SAP Certification is not a formal education program. Therefore, they may not provide you the loans for certification. However, you can get a loan by pledge gold / instruments. That's what I did.

But, you need to talk to bank, they are the best people.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
