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crm fake experience

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi all,

I know i should not ask this question, but its an open secret n so i am.

Many of my colleagues put up a fake exp of 3+ years got good jobs in top cmm level 5 organizations n settled well too. They are forcing me to do the same as there are hardly few openings for freshers n i am in dilemma. what should i do now?

I have 4 years of financial experience in major corporates like ICICI , HDFC n KOTAK.Recently learned SAP CRM still preparing.

Thanks in advance.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Lying on your resume will come back to haunt you, I would recommend to you and your friends DO NOT do this. Think about it, you will be found out and have a hard time getting a good job anywhere else - it's simply not worth. Move to where the job is or start with one and build yourself to find a better.

Former Member
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I hadn't realised the problem was so big...

(after reading the article I am not sure if it is 20% of CVs or 20 CVs... )

Former Member
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can we delete this thread?

Former Member
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My perspective on this whole issue is that the IT industry in India has become a victim of its own success. I've read a few articles stating that as a country, they are struggling to supply enough qualified graduates/applicants to meet all of the new roles being created by the massive boom in their IT industry.

I suppose fake CV's is just one result of this. It's almost like there is so much demand for applicants to fill roles that standards are slipping in places just to make sure a job gets done and a role gets filled.

I'm not sure what the long term outcome of it all will be...


Former Member
0 Kudos

hi amol,

I don't think this is a very dangerous question n if possible kindly give me an advice as i am not asking u how to make RDX or an AK47. All the answers except yours is really thought provoking, not only for me but for all the others who are observing this thread.

anyways, after 3 or 4 days i will delete this question so u don't worry.



Former Member
0 Kudos

> hi amol,

> I don't think this is a very dangerous question

Only to the employees who hire people with fake experience and the unlucky Customers who have to pay for these employees working on their Projects...

Former Member
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Never mind the poor people who are made redundant as their roles are off-shored...

Former Member
0 Kudos

> Never mind the poor people who are made redundant as

> their roles are off-shored...

But you can have a healthy balance of both - or we do in the company I work for.

I find the market very strong though. We get lots of work clearing up after "off shored" projects

Former Member
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well...thats your point of view...for me its a highly unprofessional question and doesnt deserve to be here in the SDN professional community. I get more irritated because of such questions because it creates a wrong impression about the whole bunch of indians

Former Member
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I couldn't agree more with you Amol. I'll be honest, its posts like this that really givea negative impression of the Indian IT industry at the moment.

On the other hand, I think its worth leaving on the forum but locked so that others can see how this sort of behaviour is responded to here.


Former Member
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Good idea, I will print this thread and show it to the decision makers when they will talk about off-shoring my job...

PS : I am sure that there are plenty of talentful IT workers in India. They have to show up on SDN !


Former Member
0 Kudos

hi amol,

is there any possibility to withdraw or delete this question myself. U r right, people are using this for other means.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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thanks for all the answers.

Active Contributor
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Are you worried that a future employer may see this post and bin your cv? Is that why your so keen to have this post deleted. Is it? Is it? Is it?

Former Member
0 Kudos

hello mods,

I have enough of answers and the topic is now deviating. kindly delete this question immediately.

Thanks for your support.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

> hello mods,

> I have enough of answers and the topic is now

> deviating. kindly delete this question immediately.

I don't think you quite understand how SDN works. This is not your mailbox. A question or post should only be deleted when it offends the guidelines (or people) - not because someone made a mistake and posted something they shouldn't have revealed. Definitely not because someone "have enough of answers".

Have you heard about the search facility? It allows people to look for previously answered questions so they don't have to ask a question that has already been answered. This will be one such PAQ.

Former Member
0 Kudos


I confirm that you should not have asked this question...

