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Certification suserid


Hello - My certification suserid (id I received when passed my SAP certification) shows expiry date this month. How can I extend the expiry date. I contacted SAP and I have not received any good reply.



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I am assuming the ID you used for certification is S-UserID. These ID's are linked to organizations where you may or still working. Usually BASIS team/ company admin have access to extent these ID's. Unless company changed the customer ID for some reason, then new set of UserID need to be generated and old one gets expired

No say you no longer works for you old company and there are no option to extent your old S-ID you left with two option-

  • If you are employed with new company and they offer S-ID then you can request (select your region and then check for email us at the bottom) to transfer your badge and certificate to new S-ID
  • If you do not have new S-ID with you and you can not extent your old one - you can still transfer your badges and certificates to you personal ID (P-UserID). These ID's tipicaly starts with P00***** and are allocated once you register to any SAP site using your personal email ID. You can request (email from website) to transfer your badges and certificates to your P-iD. They in turn creates a S-ID (dummy; CI) and perform the task for you.

This way you do not loose your certificates.

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I suggest transferring your certificates while you are still have sometime and have access to email ID attached with your S-UserID.