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Can a Bcom graduate purse SAP NetWeaver EP/Security/Basis/CRM

Former Member
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Hi Gurus,

Please help me in deciding what to choose after Bcom Computers.

Bcom graduated r only preferred for Funtional modules in SAP rather than Technical .

But wt to do if a Bcom graduate is interested in pursuing a career in SAP NetWeaver EP/Security/Basis/CRM(Technical ones).

Even while recruting for Sap Basis/EP.....they giv preference for Btech/Bsc/Mtech in India.

So,guys plz help me in findin out the rt path...n after choosin certain path .....they sudnt b any pblms.

n For Bcom guys,,,wt r the skills they sud possess bfore they jump to SAP NetWeaver EP/Security/Basis/CRM.(like os /db)

Thanks allll in advance...


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Hi Malti,

I agree with Venkat.There should be no problem if u want to pursue a career in SAP technical. If u want to switch in SAP EP/MI then u need to have strong Java skills because it requires lot of Java programming.

1)If u hv gud java skills then u can go for EP.

2)For basis u need strong administration knowledge.

3)And for CRM domain knowledge i.e the overall functioning of Customer relationship is required.



plz reward point if it helps

Former Member
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Hi Malti,

I don't see any points for the Bcom graduates not to choose technical careers.

It depens upon your interest.

To become an administrator, as SAP BASIS admin , you must be know the commuication technology and some baisc knowledge in Database ( exapmle Oracle Administartion ) and Operating system ( Windows /UNIX ) knowledge.

Probabaly , there will be a challenge while having interviews.But it depends how you present yourself.

Normally , Basis area is bit wide.Might be SAP security could be an good option ,if want to work for FI/CO ( Financial Accounting and controlling ) in security related area.