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Building Research Publications among SAP faculty

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We all know that we have to teach, do research and service. Given that development of curriculum using SAP products can also be time consuming, how can we build research publications among SAP faculty so we remain AQ for AACSB?

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A group of UA faculty discussed this question at the UA meeting. Here is a summary of thoughts surrounding this issue: [Research group u2013 research roundtable discussion summary u2013 March 12, 2009]

objective: build a community of research that includes awareness, collaboration, participation, and communication.- This online community provides an excellent opportunity to begin to accomplish some of these objectives:

Awareness: Use the portal to...

 post - what are the outlets, paper calls, journals, conferences available in the ERP space?

 provide a content repository (search tool on the portal)

 have a group of experienced researchers/practitioners define productive research topics/areas and post these.

u2022 help identify where are the research gaps? -- the sdn community network is an opportunity for companies to let researchers know what are their problems, what research are they interested in, what are the funding opportunities -- use the portal to connect the research community to the practice community needs.

Collaboration: There is a need to build collaboration:

 With faculty

 With industry

Participation: In order to accomplish awareness and collaboration, a level of participation is needed from both the academic and practicing communities.

- need moderators to step up and take the lead on topic areas/ to manage postings, etc.

- we need participants to post - postings could include

o what are your current thesis topics

o what are suggested thesis topics

o who are the active research groups? Their areas?

o What are faculty working on?

o What are industries looking for?

Communicate information :

- information needs to be shared such as where to publish

- there is an opportunity to connect sigs that have similar objectives and focus

Who would take ownership to moderate these areas?

- topics etc need to be defined, identified, and maintained

o basic research

o applied research

o pedagogical research

One last comment from the group... there is also a need to help solicit research participation. Could this community provide that capability? Would individuals and/or companies be interested in participating in research studies?

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Thanks Yvonne, this is exactly what I was looking for. I will take some of these items as action items and post what I find in this thread. For example, I think I can list some good outlets for publications, as can others who view this discussion. I also think this is a great place to collaborate. The best way to do that is to start a new thread for each topic that we'd like to collaborate with others. That way we can begin to build the research community too. Great ideas. thanks again.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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There has been considerable research to date related to ERP systems. We have compiled a large bibliography or ERP systems research which can be found at

I hope this helps

Paul Hawking

SAP Academic Program Director

Victoria University
