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After completed as an MBA HR & System, Which module is the best for freshers ??

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Hi,  I am Samrat Saha. I completed my post graduation as an MBA (HR&System). I did BCA in my graduation and did Higher secondary in commerce. I want to build my career in SAP. But I have some questions::

1. If i go for SAP then which module is the best for me..??

2. As a fresher is companies showing any interest to recruit..??

3. I hard a Course from Victoria University, Melborn, That Is "Master of Business (Enterprise Resource planning System) with SAP".. Is this Master degree worthy to do??

Message was edited by: Sarah Kellman

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Hello -

First think you need to do, read - Rules of Engagement, you cannot put (...???) read about Etiquette in social education network, twice.

Thank you,


Former Member
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Thanks.. but i am confused which field i need to go , in technolo functional or in only functional..

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Hi Samrat-

It depend on you, how good are you into programming, and what drives your passion.

Technical consultant in SAP are the one who focus on ABAP Programming, or BASIS/XI and are not focused on any functional modules like Material Master, Sales & Distribution, Warehouse Management or  Financial.

Functional consultant are usually one who specialize in and in depth knowledge of specific modules. They work more on business process mapping than programming.

Techno-Functional consultant usually are functional consultant with strong ABAP and programming skills. Jack of all trades

Best Luck,


0 Kudos

Hello Samrat,

It is not possible to provide guidance on what career path you should take.  This is a conversation you need to have with a Career Planner or perhaps one of your professors.  You should follow the path you are most interested in, be it a functional role or a technical role.  Ideally you may want to consider getting some work experience in both fields, and then determine which area you wish to pursue.

You state you have an MBA in HR & System....System what??  System development? Technology?  Programming?  Data Warehousing?  Even HR is a vast area within the SAP world.  We have Payroll, Recruiting, Self Services, Compensation, Time Management, Learning Management Systems, etc.  Most consultants select one or two areas to pursue.  There is no such thing as a single person who knows the complete SAP HR's just too big!

I will suggest that you consider taking an SAP HR course so that you can get an idea as to how large the application is.  There are lots of courses available in e-learning.  I would recommend either SAPHRE or HR050E to start.  Once you have completed one of these, you'll be in a better position to decide what you want to do, or at least decide what you don't want to do.

Good Luck!

Former Member
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Thanks for gave ur valuable time...

Former Member
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Thanks for ur valuable time.. In System part i learned system development which i already learned in my Graduation... And really thanks for the suggestion i already start to read, once i complete i will replayed u.. Thanks 

Former Member
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Hi Samrat,

The SAP Learning Hub has a discovery edition which is free. It has lots of introductory courses on many topics related to SAP including HR (in SAP it is called HCM) and development using ABAP.

go to and join the discovery edition of the learning hub.

Good luck


Former Member
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Thank u very much Mahmoud...

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