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About SAP MM certification exams

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Hello SAP Gurus!!!


I am going to take SAP MM certification exams (C_TSCM52_66) within next two weeks and thoroughly going to the course material TSCM50 and 52 still having nervousness about the exams.

My questions are:-

1. Are the questions comes in exam are totally from Materials only ?

2. Strategy for answering the multiple choice questions ?

3. How to make best out of my material ?

4. I have also paid for practise exam at How there questions are helpful for me???

Please guide me!!!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mayank,

First let me reply to your questions..

1. Are the questions comes in exam are totally from Materials only ?

Yes, the questions will come mainly from the study materials, but never going to be a straight forward question. It will check your in depth understanding of the process. Each line of the material can make different type of questions. so better go through again and again the study materials.

2. Strategy for answering the multiple choice questions ?

In the exam, they will be two type of multiple choice questions. One with multiple choices but one correct answer. Other with multiple choices with multiple correct answer - and partially correct answer will not give you score. (You might have seen in the model questions that you are practicing)

Hope this will help in forming your own strategy.

3. How to make best out of my material ?

I would suggest practice all the exercise in the material. This will make you to familiar with the SAP screen. ( Assume you are new to SAP).

4. I have also paid for practise exam at <<external website address removed>>. How there questions are helpful for me???

This will help you to familiar with the type of questions that may come in exam. But cannot say, exactly these questions will come.

And apart from this, the standard method of preparation to an exam apply for this too. Don't want give advice on that part. Wish you all the very best for your exam.

Awaiting your announcement of clearing the exam...!



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Former Member
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Thanks U Sir for your guidance.

I am going religiously through the books and practicing questions on net , in exercises in books.

Hope I will give you the good news.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sir

Very Thanks for your reply. Your Guidance was very helpful for me.

Finally successfully clear the SAP certification.

Thanks you very much

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Active Contributor
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I think Ramesh has answered your questions.

Read Read and Read the curriculum books (religiously) line to line and word to word.

Try to visualise the pictures given in the study materials.

Do not waste any money on any other materials.

Always use elimination technique for these type of examination. Try to first identify the wrong answers, then you would end up identifying the right answers

All the best.

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sir

I am grateful to you for your response.

Successfully clear the SAP certification exam

Thank you very much


Mayank mathur

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Congrats Mayank.

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Hi Mayank,

Did the sapcertifications.ol website material was helpful? I am also planning to buy.

Kind Regards

Active Contributor
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Hi Manna,

Honestly, please do NOT waste your money, it is precious, indeed.

The exam questions are at different language and level and there is no resemblance to real SAP exam. You do not even find a single question in the exam, otherwise everybody would have purchased and passed the exam.

My sincere suggestion is to go through and read the SAP Curriculum books for many number of times possible and understand the concepts, this would be useful for your future.

Remembering the answers would not in anyway help.

Please note SAP Certification test of your fundamental knowledge and conceptual understanding, but NOT your memory.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks a lot Ravi for your valuable suggestions, i tried last year for certification but failed, this year i am applying again.

Kind Regards

Manna Das

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Manna,

Failure is not the end of the world, it happens and part of life. Keep trying.

This guide would be handy for you.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks for Document Ravi.

Kind Regards

Manna Das

Former Member
0 Kudos


if you prepare the sap books that's fine.



Former Member
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Hello Sir

Thanks you very much