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About information about IT_TABLE & WA

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Pls tell me more information about internal table and wa.

and also abot the select statment.

                                                  -thank you.

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Former Member
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HI Vidya,

we have 3 types of variables in abap.

1. scalar  : holds single value ex : name of aperson :giri

2. structure: holds multiple values

ex: name ,age,dob


       sg          19  09.09.09

3. internal Table  : Holds multiple records Ex:

name age dob


giri      26  02.020.2

divya   202 003.03

WA : is nothing but a structure

IT_table : Internal Table.

Go through below links once



Former Member
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  workarea is used to store structure data,i.e. especially we will use workarea to transfer data to internal table ,thereby to data base table....

Internal table is used to store more than one record.Internal table is like a program level  memory area to store one or more records. At the end of each program the internal tables,workarea are deleted from the abap memory...

Select statements are SQL(Structured Query Language) statements used to fetch/select the records from the database into workarea/internal table...