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A few questions about SAP Global Certification and training?

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Hello all,


( A little bio--- I'm a BBA,34 years old from India... and currently unemployed and been working for last 7 years as a volunteer in various social service programs for honorary...Now I am looking for a career in IT fields where I can get a living atleast)

I have a few questions about SAP global certifications and training--

1. Can I get training & learning online and pass SAP global certification exam. myself, in India without having to go for formal classroom training at an authorized training partner center.

2. Can I get SAP ceritification for more than one module in different fields...for eg.. SAP HR, SAP FI, SAP BI...etc.

3. What is SAP ERP and its curriculum...Lithan Genovate offers this program in which they train for SAP ABAP,SAP FI and SAP HR all three one certification program and the fee is nominal.

4. Can I get employed in an IT company as a fresher with no experience after a SAP certification?

5. How to become a self employed, freelance trainer and consultant ?

6. Many SAP professionals implement SAP for various organisations all by themselves and earn as a commission agent...I mean they dnt work for any can  I get into implementation thing?

7.Which are the best SAP authorized centres in India?

8. Individuals also teach SAP modules for a nominal cost , they take home tuitions for SAP as well...they are cheap...should I go for them or not.

thanks for all the help.

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I'm not sure what a BBA is, but let me give you some general advice on breaking into the SAP world.


- You have not left it too late (don't let anyone tell you otherwise!).

- Start teaching yourself SAP by subscribing to the online SAP learning hub. It is worth every penny.

- Try a couple of modules until you find the bit that interest you.

- Once you learn a topic, try answering questions on SCN & try following discussions.

- Do not waste your money on private academies, shady individuals and so on. It will end in tears.


- Forget about certification for now. It will not get you a job.


- Try to find a position - any position - with a large organization that is running SAP.

- Once you are in the door, make it known that you are learning SAP yourself & are very interested in it. Volunteer to help out with SAP projects.

- Keep learning!

Good luck mate


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thanks a lot Paul...

SAP has made it mandatory in my country to get trained at a SAP authorized center in my choice.

LH training is not valid for certification?

Can I learn HANA,ABAP,BI myself on LH and get certified without any prior IT /programing knowledge.

I would like to be self employed after SAP there any career choice available?

thanks again

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I think you're mistaken there. As far as I know, SAP doesn't make any training mandatory (unless you're in India & you want to sit a certification exam).

But like I said: don't worry about certification for now. It is the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. Your first step is to gather all the ingredients & start baking.

Sure, you can become self-employed after you've done a few years in a large company (or consulting firm). But for now you're jumping the gun a little.

Nothing wrong with ambition though! I was the same.



Former Member
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I like your last line...

what are prerequisites for SAP HANA?

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No prerequisites - just access the SAP Learning Hub and get started...

Every long journey starts with a single step.



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