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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi all,

let me kick off the touchpoint for the Building side-by-side extensions on SAP BTP learning journey.
I’d first like to welcome everyone and introduce me on all matters regarding the 
SAP Learning Jounrey Building side-by-side extensions on SAP BTP


Markus Haug, Product Learning Specialist @ SAP

At SAP Learning, I'm a strong advisor, advocate, and partner for our developers, customers, and partners. I bring a unique combination of technical expertise, product knowledge, and speaking skills to help developers learn the basics, overcome challenges, and pass SAP certifications worldwide.

My current focus is on building world-class online content and learning experiences for developers of the SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) in cloud-native application/extension development.

All our Touchpoints are collaborative environment designed to get support your learnings.
Here you can share your expectation and exchange.
I would like to encourage you to introduce yourself and let us know your motivations and expectation.

If you have a question or comments, this is the right place for you!
No question is too simple or complex – we look forward to hearing from you.

Please feel free to leave a comment below. 
For questions - please ask a question in the Q&A area and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Happy learning!


Hi Markus,

I'm not sure if I'm correct here, but I would like to know if BTP is ready for SAP Business One now? We are very unsure if we should get certified for BTP platform if it is not ready for SBO yet.

Can you help me with this problem?

With kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Markus,

In the manual deployment step, where the "oauth-configuration" attribute is added on the XSUAA resource, it mentions we should add the approuter URL. This also stated in the SAP Note in case there is an error with the domain. However, the learning course does not explain where should we pick the approuter URL or if we should add ourselves based on the app name + domain name from the BTP region and account. 

Can you share what should be done in this part? 

Thank you

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

  @TiagoRibeiro refer the redirect URI

you can use wildcard in the URI: 

          - https://*




Hi Markus,

I'm getting an error during Manual deployment. Can you please help? Please see attached image for the said error. 


EmmanManual deployment error.jpg

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@emmanuelt  Please make sure the subaccount has all the service and respective plan assigned in 'Entitlements':

for example: one of the error is for offering "hana" and plan "hdi-shared":


similarly for 'xsuaa' and plan "application":






Hi @VinayKumawat,

Your solution works. Thanks! 

However, I'm still getting another error: Error creating or updating application "risk-management": Controller operation failed: 422 Unprocessable Entity: CF-UnprocessableEntity(10008): Routes quota exceeded for organization 'xxxxxxxtrial_trial-us-xxxxxxxx'.

I checked my space and it says "100% of memory quota used". I Appreciate your help, thanks.Quota Plans.jpgdev space.jpg

Best Regards,




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@emmanuelt  for this this learning journey please check in global account and assign maximum units for cloud foundry to your subaccount:


then check your subaccount for the quota if it is assigned to your Cloud foundry space.




Hi @VinayKumawat

I was able to successfully deployed it now. Thanks for your help. Though, I still have one more problem after the deployment. I kept getting "Authorization Request Error. There was an error. The request for authorization was invalid" when trying to open the app.  error.jpg

Best Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@emmanuelt I'm having the same problem after successful deployment. 

But there was one time i removed the app-router URL in the "redirect-uris" parameters and this problem disappeared. 

Then, i just experienced an error "Forbidden" when executing the get call to retrieve the info in the application but i interpreted as being connected to the roles as i haven't yet assigned to myself. 

Still need to figure out this part. 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


refer the redirect URI

you can use wildcard in the URI: 

          - https://*
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


In regards to your comment, this is one of the questions i had and was confused. 

Documentation in Help SAP, aligned with your comment, indicates this property should be maintained on the xs-security.jon but the exercise steps indicate it should be added on the mta.yaml file. 

Can they be added on both? Should they be added on both? 

On an additional level, i understand the usage of wildcard but the exercise also states "-app-router" in the URI. Is this supposed to be the final URI that will be the application which is consumed by the user? And in SAP BTP DEV space will include another URL from the approuter which then redirects to the defined URI on oauth2 parameter? 



Anyway, i haven't done a new deployment the past days but it's working now fine for me. Even the odata calls to each service. 

Thank you @VinayKumawat 

0 Kudos

Hi @TiagoRibeiro, thank you for pointing it out. I have added the "redirect-uris" code in xs-security.json instead of mta.yaml file. Unfortunately, I'm getting "Not Found" page after I access the app.  I have already redeployed this. 

Hi @VinayKumawat, kindly advise. Thanks 


Not found.jpg

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@emmanuelt @TiagoRibeiro  please add into mta.yaml


you can construct this URL by looking at the API endpoint in subaccount:


it is so rediect uri can be:


for more details refer 2864831 - "The redirect_uri has an invalid domain" error when using a custom domain in Cloud Foundry...



0 Kudos

Hi @VinayKumawat, I just want to clarify where we should really put the redirect uri. You instructs us to put it in mta.yaml file but the link you sent instructs us to put it in xs-security.js file.

Anyway, I have tried to put the redirect uri into three different scenarios

1. mta.yaml file only

2. xs-security.js only

3. Applied to both

I redeployed it each and every time and still getting an error. Not sure if I'm missing anything else. 

For your help. Thanks

Best Regards,




0 Kudos

Hi all. I'm getting the same issue after making the redirect URI changes above. In my case, I'm using a Trial account. What else would I need to do if that's part of the issue? Thanks!

Screenshot 2023-03-23 172857.png



Using the following configuration in the mta.yaml has fixed my above problem:

          # <-- add this
UPDATE: since the above, - https://* now works too, so it must have been a glitch 🤔
The good news is that it works in the Trial account 😊
0 Kudos

Sample certification questions

For SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP BTP Extension Developer, I've concerns with two of the four sample questions:

  1. What are some SAP recommendations for deploying large apps to Cloud Foundry?
    The answer isn't evident from the content.
  2. Which of the following dev space types does NOT contain MTA Tools by default?
    MTA Tools are now included by default in the Basic dev type (assuming it's referring to BAS).

Please can the sample questions be updated so they better reflect the content of the learning journey?

I await confirmation. Thanks!


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @Former Member,

thanks for the feedback. We will use that information to improve the sample questions.



0 Kudos

Hi @Former Member, thanks for the update. Glad it works for you. Unfortunately for mine, I kept getting an "Not found" page when I open the URI. I tried to redo everything by deleting the entire space then recreate it again but I still keep getting the same error. I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this. 

0 Kudos

@emmanuelt in the Trial account I had to restart HANA Cloud. That may be (part of) the problem  🤔

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @Former Member 

Thank you for your engagement.
For questions I highly recommend to always use our Q&A area and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible!

This makes it  easier  to follow-up:

If you ask the question there other learners  can search for it in the future if they run into the same issue and there we have more features available for responses.
Kind regards



Hi @Margit_Wagner, @markushaug had initially responded, but I've reposted it there, no problem. I await the outcome; thanks.

0 Kudos

Hello @markushaug ,

Facing issue while logging to login cloud foundry and also unable to create SAP Hana cloud instance with the credentials which I am using to login the SAP BTP Account for both of these it throws same as Authentication is failed. 


Unable to process further in the manual deployment and creation SAP Hana instance with this issue.


Veera Sudheer



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @VeeraSudheer ,

based on the screenshot you provided, I can see that you are entering an incomplete e-mail address. Please ensure to enter your full e-mail for logging into the Cloud Foundry environment.

Could you please also provide more insights into the errors you're facing during the SAP HANA DB creation?

Furthermore, I can also see, that you have tried to log in via SSO. The correct flag is "--sso" and not "-sso". 

I hope this helps.




0 Kudos

Hello @markushaug ,

Thanks for the response, I have entered full the email address, above I made blur of org details.

In the dev space of the trail account when clicking on SAP Hana Cloud -> Create -> SAP Hana database.

it is opening below page for choosing the identifier provider.


After the selecting the first option "sign in with default identity provider", still it is asking for login and after providing my login BTP credentials it says as below.


the same issue is repeating for cloud foundry login as well.

even I have used cf login --sso and clicking the temporary key click but again the above login pages opens and shows the same message, also to login to login cloud foundry as well, not sure what's doing with my Id'

unable to proceed further with this. requesting to please help me out.

Thanks in advance.



Veera Sudheer

0 Kudos

Hello @markushaug ,

I am trying to follow the exercise from the very first unit of the learning journey. I am stuck in the unit Generating a User Interface. After generating the UI app, when I am launching /risks/webapp/index.html, the Fiori elements app is not opening. I am getting following error in console, which I am not able to rectify. Need your expert help on the same. I have just generated the UI app, have not added any code in the common.cds and annotations.cds file yet.

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 1.11.08 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-05-01 at 1.10.51 PM.png

This is how my files are looking now.

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 1.15.40 PM.png


 Thanks and Regards,

Arijit Laha


Hello Sap team,

I am stuck at this error of : The redirect_uri has an invalid domain...

I have this on my MTA.yaml file ->

Can you help please?
Just as a general remak, the first part of this learning Path is very well documented, all is epxlained , step by step, but the part 'Manual deployment', it is less documented, we don't understand why we do such action or add such config, also, the redirect_uri paragraph is not clear at all.
Thank you

I'd agree. This part of the training is temperamental. Sometimes it works; sometimes, it doesn't. Note my earlier comments above. Yes, please, more elaboration about the purpose behind the configuration would be helpful, hint, hint... Thanks!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @Dasig 
Thank you for your engagement  and sharing your experience. 
For questions I highly recommend to always use our Q&A area and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible!

This makes it  easier  to follow-up:

If you ask the question there other learners  can search for it in the future if they run into the same issue and there we have more features available for responses.
Kind regards


0 Kudos

Hello @Margit_Wagner ,

Okey, i have posted my question there, hope i will find a solution, we are looking to move forward on the way to extend on sap BT¨P :).



Saad Igueninni


Hi SAP team,

I am stuck at this error.

Processing service "risk-management-auth"...
Setting service "risk-management-auth" parameters from "xs-security.json"
Service "risk-management-auth" is in state "create failed" and may not be operational. Actions like update of credentials and binding may fail! Consider recreating it by specifying the --delete-services option.
Error determining actions to execute on service "risk-management-auth": Controller operation failed: 404 Error determining actions to execute on service "risk-management-auth": CF-ResourceNotFound(10010): Service instance not found









0 Kudos


I'm encountering some issues when performing the exercise related to the CDS Restrictions and Roles. Here is the link for reference:

When testing the project in the BAS local environment, I'm not getting the prompt that will allow me to enter a mock user and password. Here is the expected result:


As a result, I'm receiving the 401 Unauthorized error. Note that this is only happening in BAS. Once the CAP Project is deployed to BTP and the role collection is assigned to my User ID, I'm able to run the app successfully.

So it looks like an isolated case when performing some tests locally using mock user. Can you please advise how to address this? Thanks!




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @mmarkvillanueva,

sometimes it helps to close the browser and opening it again or opening the preview in incognito-mode of the browser.

If this does not help, could you please provide us with a Git-repository, so that we could have a quick look at it?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @sdsanchez ,

let me provide you with the solution of this exercise, where you can copy and paste / compare the snippets:

Please also double-check if you have the service correctly entitled in your subaccount. And please check if there is now a service called "risk-management-auth" in your subaccount with the state "failed". If so, please remove this one manually before proceeding.




0 Kudos

Hi @markushaug ,


Thanks for your response.

I tested in incognito mode, and still facing the same issue. Here's a screenshot


Here's my git repo.





Hello @Margit_Wagner ,

As suggested, i posted my question in  :

I am still stuck and i got no help .

Hoping i can continue this learning and start delivering extensions for our customers.


0 Kudos

Hello @markushaug, I Hope you are doing well. I am at the very end of the tutorial. I have finished the manual deployment as well.

Here is my Github Repo: 

However, facing these issues : 

Issue 01:  when I hit the risk-management application  URL  from the SAP BTP Cockpit,  the window looks like the following screenshot 




When I open the developer tools to inspect and refresh the URL, the application's index page gets loaded but with the following error that I can get from the console. The window looks like this :



 Issue02: API data is not getting fetched. which means No data is showing under the column Business partner. 




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @Sudipta_1452 ,

thanks for reaching out to me!

I was able to solve the issue in your application regarding the Business Partner. However, I was not able to reproduce "issue 01".

Regarding Issue 02, allow me to provide a detailed explanation of the changes made:

Upon reviewing your package.json file, I noticed that you have specified the usage of SAP BTP destinations during production. However, in order to ensure smooth access to the business partner data once it is deployed to the Cloud Foundry runtime, I have identified two possible solutions:

1. Option one is to add the destination for the SAP Business Accelerator Hub (formerly SAP API Hub) to your SAP BTP subaccount. This will enable seamless interaction with the necessary APIs.

1. Alternatively, you can make the required modifications directly in the code as suggested in the pull request. These changes will ensure that the code aligns with the intended functionality.

Please review the pull request and assess which option suits your requirements best. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am more than willing to assist you.

Best regards,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@markushaug Thanks for the learning journey, I am now certified SAP BTP Extension Developer.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @VinayKumawat

Congratulations on passing the exam!
You can view certifications acquired from 2017 in your Credly account 

We recommend promoting your SAP certifications on social media with digital badges and gain competitive advantage with a trusted validation of your expertise.
The way to promoting your SAP certifications simple: Please read the SAP® Global Certification Digital Badges - Step-by-Step

Kind regards




Did you ever figure out a solution I am having the exact same issue.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @sdsanchez 
I would like to encourage to always use our Q&A area to post your questions
This makes it  easier  to follow-up:
Our SAP Learning Experts will get back to you as soon as possible! We are here to support you.

That way other learners can benefit from the answer:
If you ask the question there other learners  can search for it in the future if they run into the same issue and there we have more features available for responses

Would you mind to repost it ?
Kind regards

0 Kudos

I had a hard time doing this learning journey as many steps were missing.

A lot of steps mentioned in answer section here should have been part of learning journey .

This will only discourage new learners from finding the otherwise good content.


0 Kudos

Hello @markushaug ,

I've been trying to complete this tutorial for a while:

I've started from scratch many times, but I always encounter the same error. Everything works correctly until I deploy the application.

After assigning the 'RiskManager' role to my user, I go to the Applications section in my SAP BTP cockpit. I choose the risk-management application:



When I click on the application route, I get this:



And when I access locally, this is what I get:







I have already tried to do it by clearing the cache and from an incognito window, but it gives the same error.

Prior to deployment, the application worked fine locally.

Thank you in advance.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @InesRomero 

I would like to encourage to always use our Q&A area to post your questions
This makes it easier to follow-up:
Our SAP Learning Experts will get back to you as soon as possible! We are here to support you.

That way other learners can benefit from the answer:
If you ask the question there other learners  can search for it in the future if they run into the same issue and there we have more features available for responses

Would you mind to repost it ?
Kind regards

0 Kudos


I had the same error.

To fix that: 

  •  I changed the version of @sap/cds to the lastest one (currently 8.4.0) due to error on requirement when running the command npm i
  • Copy the file xs-app.json so to /app so that it's in the same folder as services.cds
  • Remove the folder "Router" if one has been created previously
  • Run the command 
    • cds add approuter --for production
  • Delete MTA file mta.yaml
  • Run again the commands
    • cds add mta
    • npm update --package-lock-only
  • Adjust MTA file
  • Run the commands 
    • cds build --production
    • mbt build -t gen --mtar mta.tar
  • Deploy again the application


0 Kudos

Hi Markus,

Could you please let me know where I can find the code snippets used in the topic "Setting Up the CAP Project - Creating CAP-Based Services" and the subsequent topics?

This topic only contains Demo and Exercise sections, and I am unable to locate the code snippets used within them.

Thank you for your assistance.
