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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

If you missed the first week, you can read it here.

I arrived at Brussels on Sunday evening. The hotel next to the SAP building. I think the gap between the SAP building and the hotel is less then 50 meters, so walking will be faster then using the Tardis.

After a good night's sleep I started my long walk to the classroom. The SAP Belgium office looks really nice in daylight. Here is a picture.

Today I start the course WNLHD7. The groups is very international. We had Jan from Germany, Timofey from Russia, Henrick from Denmark and Lode, Stijn and Tom from Belgium. The trainer is from The Netherlands so we decided on English as a course language.

The first day was very smooth. We did the textbook lessons and early in the afternoon we started the installations. All the installations went fine except one. After a short investigation we found out that we had some aliens om that system. There was a second SAP HANA class running and there one of the participants logged on to the wrong system and installed already something on our system.

So worries, I thought it was a good moment to demonstrate an SAP HANA un-install. This was executed very fast and we could continue our installations.

When I arrived back in the hotel I noticed that my worries on forgetting the towel were unjustified. The hotel provides intergalactic travels with all they need.

Had dinner with Leon Boeijen, a Dutch trainer, who was teaching the courses WDE300 (Developing UIs using HTML5 Fundamentals) and WDE350 (Developing UIs using HTML5 and SAPUI5) this week in Brussels.

The rest of the week went without any hiccups. My participants were very involved and willing to learn all about SAP HANA. During the lunches we had good talks on different topics. I also spoke with tom.cenens, a well known SCN member and SAP Mentor.

On Wednesday afternoon we started the SAP HANA exam. So last week we had a 100% pass rate, which I told to the participants to make sure that we have the right peer pressure :smile:

I had good hopes with this group and they didn't disappoint me. Here a picture of the whole group. They all passed their exam with very good scores!!!


You made me proud.

After saying goodbye to everyone at SAP Brussels I drove home to re-pack my suitcase for my next stop: SAP Berlin.

Here I will teach the HA200 and will meet Mathias Montag. Mathias is the course developer and owner of the HA200. I will also visit some very interesting places near Berlin. I plan to visit the Hasso-Plattner-Institut and the Sanssouci palace. The site seeing places to go if you are on a SAP HANA road trip :smile:

You can read more on this in my blog next week.

Happy HANA