University Alliances (UA) Research spotlights PhD student/research assistant, Sascha Bosse from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OvGU).
The goal of this series is largely consistent with the goal of the UA Spotlight Series, to exchange insights with UA professors, students, researchers and others linked to Universities from around the world. Here we focus on researchers and their experiences.
Tell us a bit about yourself. 
In 2006, I started my studies in Computer Science at the University of Magdeburg and graduated 2011 with my Master’s degree. Currently, I am working as a research assistant in the Center for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA) in Magdeburg. In this position, I am also working on my PhD-thesis with Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski as my supervisor. My research interests are Modeling, Simulation and estimation of an IT-system’s properties.
Share a bit about your SAP and UA Research background. How long have you been studying SAP-related topics? How long have you been active with UA Research?
My experience with SAP and UA started with my membership in the CVLBA. Since then, I took some opportunities to visit UA trainings and accomplished the SAP ERP Foundation Certification. While SAP gives me access to some of the world’s greatest IT-Experts, I also appreciate to be member of the giant UA community with thousands of scientists and researchers in a single network.
Tell us about your current research projects. What projects are you working on? What do you hope or expect to find out through your research projects? Has your understanding of SAP and the marketplace grown through the experiences related to your project?
My current research is about estimating non-functional properties of an IT-System-Landscape. While service orientation is pushed by new trends like Cloud Computing, the challenge for service provider is to guarantee Quality of Service for their customers plus to minimize costs. Therefore, an estimation framework for non-functional properties could serve as a decision support for planning new or optimize existing IT-System-Landscapes.
What do you like most about the University Alliances Community on the new Jive platform? How does this help/improve your SAP knowledge?
This platform gives me the opportunity to address all members within the UA community with some clicks. In addition to that, an interested visitor can find useful information about SAP UA and of course, my research