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SAP Vietnam, in collaboration with Universities in Vietnam, is running a series of training for final year students from May to July 2017 with topics such as HANA Overview, Quality Engineering, Development Engineering and HANA Development.


The trainers are internal staff coming from different teams with fascination and interest of mentoring, coaching and tailoring a training content that describes accurately their work and guides students to meet our business needs.

The purpose, proponents hope, is providing a vision of future career for graduates as well as identifying early talents and well prepare them. This is especially crucial for our recruitment.

Given this, we do not provide in detail technical training but we offer general information and SAP technologies through presentation, practical mini games and quizzes in an expectation of attracting students’ attention and giving them passion to follow the job at SAP.


On the other hand, we also try to help the students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by demonstrating the actual daily working at SAP as a Software Developer or Quality Specialist and going through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipment, and documents. In effect, this is opportunity for trainees to learn more about their chosen field and enhance what they have learnt from academy.


Feedback from trainees shows that they are eager to learn and wish to absorb more and more knowledge:

“What I like the most is when the trainers demonstrated the examples on board. By following the presentation, I can immediately understand all of it.”

By asking how they hope to change their practice as a result of the training, they show expectation to “know more how to use SAP HANA and fix errors when installing”, “improve my knowledge of testing and way of thinking” and most of opinion shows that they wish to have more time for practice.

At first steps, the training has got such positive feedback and it is a big motivation for trainers and organization team to invest more time and effort to make this training program more helpful, more interesting and more successful!