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29 professors from 20 universities have been attending the Train-the-Trainer workshops in Beijing and Shanghai, China, from 22th to 29th of July 2013. The workshops are Introduction to Business Intelligence, and Introduction to Mobile Application. After the training we organized one day specially for Faculty Day, to provide a social platform for member schools to have more interactions.

Courses about Business Intelligence have been conducted in University of International Business and Economics from 22th to 25th July, which focuses on data warehousing and analytics using SAP solutions. It features the modelling and population of a GBI InfoCube, and analytical solutions from SAP including the new Business Objects Analysis tool. Also included is predictive analysis using data mining of large datasets. 21 faculties attended the course.

From 26th to 28th of July, courses on Mobile Application have also been conducted. This course provides both lecture and hands-on application development using the SAP Mobile Platform. 14 faculties learned how the SAP Mobile Platform provides the tools needed to transform business models into mobile applications with an integrated development environment through the course.

On 29th July, Faculty Day has been hosted simultaneously in SAP Beijing Office and SAP Shanghai Labs Office inviting 13 faculties and 11 faculties respectively. We introduced SAP overview and the new strategy and event planning of SAP University Alliances to the faculties. Lectures regarding SAP HANA were delivered. At the end of the Faculty Day, all the guests were shown around
the office and have a deeper commitment of SAP.