The Ultimate SAP User Guide is a great resource for anyone from a novice to an expert user of SAP GUI which is still used by the vast majority of SAP users (I know SAP Fiori is here….). One of the challenges I face when teaching at my university and conducting new hire training at companies is that SAP GUI often gets in the way of getting the real work done.
SAP GUI is powerful, but complex. Students often get bogged down trying to figure out how to do something when they should be focused on what they are doing (e.g., execute the purchasing process). How do I navigate to where I need to be? What are all these fields on the screen? What does this icon mean? How do I create favorites?
Getting the GUI sorted out is a prerequisite to understanding process execution and process integration (the real value of the software). The Ultimate SAP Users Guide is the answer to this challenge. Everything you wanted to know about how to use SAP GUI in one place.
I have used SAP GUI for nearly 15 years and I found several very useful tips in this book that will make me more productive.

Written by Rehan Zaidi and published by