Enable You!th to Shape the Digital World of Tomorrow
What is it?
The SAP Young Thinkers Network is a global network and part of the SAP University Alliances Network. As an education initiative of SAP it focuses education around digitalization and addresses all types of schools with the aim to enable young people to shape the digital world of tomorrow.
What is in it for you?
The SAP Young Thinkers Community provides learning material, interdisciplinary workshop and event participation for teachers and students, as well as an access to a network with partners from education, politics, non-profit organizations and businesses.
The SAP Young Thinkers learning portfolio offers learning content for
Coding, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, Business Processes with a clear relation to day-to-day life and has a strong
focus on soft skills such as holistic thinking, creativity, empathy, solution oriented thinking and collaboration.
Want to know more?
Get in touch with the SAP Young Thinkers Network! ua-support@sap.com
Watch our ERPsimGame Video on YouTube.