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Hi all,

Today’s blog is a review to the SAP Learning Hub. Some of my colleagues got a subscription and I want to give some feedback.

The header gives a clue, I think there are two sides included in this review.

As usual I like the counting-thing and therefore I just added an addition – positive / negative to every point.

1st point The availability is nearly perfect 

If you got internet access you got access to your learning stuff. That is really awesome and of course it helps to get out of the comfort zone and learn something new. This is a point at the positive side. A wish could be, to save stuff at the local disc to have an offline access, but I think most of us are nearly everywhere connected and the free hotspots are also growing fast (I think this is a worldwide process, isn’t it)

2nd point The quantity is growing fast 

The available documents and courses are really growing in a very fast way. I cannot present a digit here, but my colleagues told me, that it’s a lot material online and nearly monthly new courses arrive.

3rd point search function doesn’t work similar to the training and certification shop 

That is a point to fix. It is confusing if you search the same keyword and it doesn’t show the same result. A college showed me that and I tried it also by my own. That is a point I sent to SAP. You need to fix this. Our example-search was “FIORI”.

Thanks to patrick.ortner :wink:

4th point documents are 1to1 copy of the participant –handout 

I’m not sure about the quantity here, but browsing the offered courses we saw, that there are courses in you just get the handout (courses ABAP-developers might be interested in) as an pdf (online, not downloadable of course :smile: ). That might be ok at some, but other courses are not very practicable with it. It is needed to add all the additional information to the course which are needed. Normally the trainer add his expertise and of course the missing statements during the course. Sure, the expertise is hard to add here, but the additional information out of the trainer-handout is really needed and should be available. I could imagine adding it as linked information inside the participant-pdf.

An easier way would be to add the trainer-handout also, but I’m not sure, if this is a practicable way to get into it and link the correct information in a good and easy way.

5th point learning rooms

That is one point I would say it is really awesome. I would love to be part of one and that might be my personal mind-changer point that I will use a Full-version. I had the chance to get an insight how it works and how information are shared. I really love the way it is presented. But it is too much to explain it here. You want to learn more about it, here is a link:

Learning Rooms: Social Learning with SAP Learning Hub

If that is not enough… search SCN and you will find a lot good information about the learning hub.

PS: You already found the correct space.

6th point Access to the Training Systems

That is also a nice innovation I like. You can have access to Training Systems to do all the exercises. Attention, it is not included and you need to spend some extra money. There are 3 different offers:

  • 20 hrs have to be consumed in 30 calendar days
  • 40 hrs have to be consumed in 60 calendar days
  • 60 hrs have to be consumed in 90 calendar days

Category 1 and 2. Not sure about the difference here, but I think it depends on what course you want to do.

So you need to spend your time on different courses in this period. But in my opinion flexible enough and of course, a lot of the stuff could also be done with your own installation in your company (Ask your responsible contact before :razz: .

7th point Userinterface

The Userinterface is nicely presented and you also got an online-calendar to manage all your necessary dates there. What I miss there, is a function to get the stuff in a way to import it in my business calendar as well. An idea might be to send it to my personal address and add it manual to my calendar. There are a lot of different interfaces out there supported by most of the mail-applications. But who do I tell this, SAP-Office could handle a lot of it right now :wink:

Another point in this direction, it is not that intuitive. You need some time to get into the navigation, so do it before you want to start with your first course. (Or you use point 8 before placing your order :cool:

I suggest it would be easier with quick-links or a navigation-tree.

8th point Discovery edition

Might be generally known, but I want to bring it again in your mind. If you aren’t sure about it, Take your chance to have a look behind the Learning Hub and draw your own picture. Discovery Edition is free and you also can earn a badge here (if you want).

Result:         5    :   4


If you are a person, who is really interested in taking a tour to get into something new (and perhaps hold a certification in your hand) SAP Learning Hub seems to be a good place to archive this goals. Just make sure, how much time you will spend with learning hub. The price isn’t that cheap, that it doesn’t hurt if you don’t take all advantages.

My personal position will need some more month of experience to see, how much time my colleagues spend and what the effort in the end will be. I spend a lot of my available time here around SCN and I’m not willing to cut me some of this at the moment.

And I need to have a long planned journey available, which learning rooms are available at what time.

I don’t find any new document about it (and it wasn’t just me, that tried to find it).

Feel free to leave a comment or to add your personal statements about your experience.

Happy learning!


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PS: The headerline comes from a famous movie (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)