More than 120 students attended a session by the UA team on 29 August 2013 on "New" SAP, SAP University Alliances (Learn, Apply and Share), the technologies that are supported by SAP like SAP HANA, SAP Mobile Platform etc. The students showed a lot of interest on the OpenSAP courses and were keen to register for these courses.
The response to the upcoming SAP Techniversity event on 28th September was great and students showed their keeness to register and attend the event.

For those who do not know about SAP Techniversity - get on to this website You must come and witness the various speaker sessions, the final showdown of the on-going students competition (App Rumble) at DemoJam. There is another interesting bit here - Talent/ Entertainment where SAP is inviting students to get their 15 minutes of "fame" showcasing their talent in Music, dance, drama - and it promisses to be "Appsolutely Entertaining".
So lets us welcome you all in Bangalore on 28 September!!