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On the 7th of June, 2016, Sabrina Dick (Director, HR Expert Network EMEA & MEE at SAP), a former student and now also lecturer at Heilbronn University, as well as Agata Cieply and Lisa Patterer, part of the SAP University Alliances team, hosted the Heilbronn University Summer School visit at the SAP in Walldorf for the second time now. Altogether 32 international students guided by Ms. Tanja Schöffski joined this event. The goal of this program is to offer in-depth expertise and discourse, related to topics of marketing, tourism and intercultural management in relation to Europe.

The program started with a tour through the SAP Inspiration Pavilion, where they learned many facts about the history of SAP and for firsthand experience of the manifold faces of Big Data. The students got to know how data is impacting our lives today and uncovered its enormous potential for the future. Subsequently to the tour, Sabrina Dick talked about her time at SAP, which she utterly enjoys. Through her partnership with the Heilbronn University Summer School, she has established strong relationships with the team as well as some students in the meantime and SAP has become one of the favorite excursions during the event.

Dr. Engelbert Quack, SAP Consulting, informed the students about SAP in general in form of a presentation. He talked about the qualifications of our employees, who hold academic degrees at high standards. In his presentation, SAP solutions for industries and lines-of-business were illustrated, Dr. Quack: ‘We stand at the threshold of a new era with profound changes: Digital Transformation. ’

Nasrin Safari, refugee intern at SAP, shared her experience as a refugee in Germany and has been offered the opportunity to work for SAP as an intern as part of the refugee internship program in Germany. She now can look into a brighter future by gathering work experience in the company and building a network in different functions. She also explained the concept of SAP TwoGo which she actively uses every day for her commute from the refugee camp to Walldorf.

Afterwards, the group of students had the chance to join a tour guided by Agata Cieply. Ms. Cieply showed our visitors the SAP Campus which includes 32 buildings and many sport facilities as well. Subsequently, the students took a look into our d-shop. The d-shop (short for “The Developer's Workshop”) is a global program that aims to bring hardware technologies closer to all SAP employees.

Thanks for your visit @Hochschule in Heilbronn, we are looking forward to your next visit!