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On Monday, February 22, 2016 the SAP University Alliances team welcomed 21 Bachelor students from VU University Amsterdam, who visited SAP Headquarters during their study trip through Germany. The study trip was organized on behalf of study association STORM for all studies in the field of Mathematics or Informatics, which is linked with VU University Amsterdam.

First of all, the students visited the SAP Inspiration Pavilion, where they learned more about SAP’s history and Big Data.

Next, our SAP University Alliances Country Manager Maghreb & Francophone Africa, Rimwaya Gustave Sawadogo, gave an overview about SAP in general and in particular about the Mission of SAP University Alliances. In addition, Gustave spoke about his career journey so far. He stressed that SAP is not only searching for people with IT-skills but also individual people from various fields. After Gustave`s presentation the group had a common lunch in our canteen.

Finally, the visit was closed with a small campus tour.

The second group from Dublin Institute of Technology visited SAP’s Headquarters on Wednesday March 16, 2016. The group consisted of 28 master students, their Prof. Dr. Amr Arisha and two supervisors from Ludwigshafen. Within the group 10 different nationalities were represented. The Dublin Institute of Technology is a partner university of University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. The group visited Ludwigshafen for one week to participate in workshops and to join company tours in the metropolitan Rhine-Neckar region. Prof. Dr. Amr Arisha took it to heart to visit SAP`s headquarters Walldorf because SAP has a place of business in Dublin as well.

After a campus tour and a visit at the SAP Inspiration Pavilion, my colleague Andrea Tvarusko and I, invited the students to join a presentation. The presentation has given a short overview about some facts and figures about SAP in general and of the location here in Walldorf. In addition, Andrea told the students what SAP University Alliances is standing for.

Afterwards, all of us had great conversations during a common lunch in our canteen.

The third group came to SAP SE on Wednesday March 23, 2016. The tour was organized by the UIW European Study Center which provides meaningful and affordable study abroad programs for students to live and learn in a new and different cultural setting. In sum, 21 international students visited SAP together with two coordinators, Christina Sempertegui and Bianca Mihai, from UIW Study Center.

The group arrived at 11am. First, a presentation was given by my colleague Andrea and me. Afterwards we have visited the SAP Inspiration Pavilion and had lunch in our canteen as well.

We are happy that all groups enjoyed the visit at SAP very much!