What a great opportunity I am given to be interning at SAP. I am in the University Alliances SEA. Like any other intern, I was definitely nervous but at the same time excited to embark on this journey. I have been interning for about 7 weeks already and almost everyone will throw at me this question, "How is it so far?".
Well...... to be honest..... Haha. Please dont think "............." is a negative comment. No it isnt. Be positive. Actually it have been a really interesting experience so far. I learnt so much that school can't teach. I definitely learnt more about people. Let me be frank, I love studying "people". Nope, not in the judgmental way. But in the way where I learn about their attitude, characteristics, posture, facial expression, materials on their desk. Yeap beware of me. :cool: Please dont take that seriously, I was just kidding. In fact I am actually this really simple quirky intern. Anyway yes, I really love to observe people and that is probably because of the fact that I took pure literature in secondary school. Then again, I questioned my choice of studying Business IT right now. But nahh, no time for regrets. Business IT is pretty interesting and it led me to my path of interning at SAP :grin:
So if you have read this post, you will be probably assuming how lame I am with my "oh so not funny" jokes but hey, I am just trying to inject some fun and humor in it. :lol: Okay anyway, I am just blogging to test out how the Student Council blog post works. Oh and I am also here to promote "SAP CODEJAM SINGAPORE" which will be held on the 11th June. Here is the link: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6585865501/es2/?rank=2 ! To have free fun, do sign up! Cheerzzzz!