185,000 participants have enrolled in openSAP courses since May 2013 and we’d love to hear what you have done with the knowledge you’ve learned from openSAP since the course you attended has finished.
If you’ve taken part in any of our openSAP courses, we’re inviting you to create a video blog describing:
The courses you’ve taken part in
What you liked about the courses and openSAP
How the openSAP course fit into your regular schedule
If you’ve applied the knowledge you’ve learned to any projects which you can share with us, we would love to see the practical outcome of the courses you’ve attended
Brian Keenan, SAP BW Product Support in SAP Ireland, created a video blog with his experiences of openSAP and an app which he developed to help colleagues at SAP Dublin.
To take part, just record your video blog and demo and upload it to the openSAP blog post on SCN with the tag openSAPexperience. Remember to keep your video short and it should be fun to make and watch!
If you’re a social media user, don’t forget to share the SCN blog on Twitter or Facebook tagging openSAP and using opensapexperience!