Congratulations to the three finalist teams of the 2013 SAP University App Rumble contest!
Earlier in the spring student teams across the United States were invited to submit their business case for new mobile apps. Their idea and proposal package was submitted through Idea Place, giving other students, professors and the SAP ecosystem and opportunity to provide their feedback. A panel of judges reviewed each of the complete packages and three finalists were selected. Teams were then paired with two SAP developers who are building the app. Each of the apps will be unveiled by the students at SAPPHIRE NOW next week in Orlando.
Please join me in congratulating the three finalist teams – and wish them luck presenting their mobile apps at SAPPHIRE NOW! Each of the teams is showcased in blogs by Jenn Frank, and further details on their mobile apps are available as well.
Daniel Sanchez and Gary Longoria, San Francisco State University
Team “danandgary” proposed “Advanced Diabetes Management App”.
April Zeng and Mingbo Gong, University of Southern California
Team “Trojans” is developing “Your Intelligent Personal Dining Agent / Dietitian”
Mitchell Grewer and Amanda Lopez, Grand Valley State University
Team “We Used to be Accounting Major but Then We Lost Interest” shared “Efficient Grocery Shopping”
I also want to thank all the professors who shared this contest with your students and encouraged them to submit ideas! We appreciate the support. More great student contests and competitions will be coming throughout the year!