On April 10, the SAP Forum took place in Athens, Greece.
The SAP Forum - formerly SAP World Tour, SAP TechTour and SAP Run Better Tour - functions as knowledge and networking conference that is aimed at the business and technical community. SAP experts, business leaders, partners, and cutomers – hence, the entire SAP ecosystem – meets at the Forum to explore breakthrough technology innovations, participate in highly informative panel discussions and breakout sessions, and listen to real-world implementation examples from SAP customers. Furthermore, participants have the opportunity to explore new SAP applications and interact with experts and partners at the exhibition showcase.
In total, around 850 people attended this year’s SAP Forum in Athens. During the keynote and various breakout sessions, all attendees had the opportunity to learn more about topics such as Business Suite on HANA, On-Premise Solutions and User Experience.

Among the 850 attendees were also 110 students and 4 professors from Greek University Alliances member institutions. During their visit at the SAP Forum, they had the chance to meet SAP experts, learn more about SAP’s strategy and core technology innovations (ranging from mobile and cloud computing to social media and Big Data). Furthermore, they were able to extend their network with valuable business contacts and get first hands-on experiences at the several demo pods in the exhibition area.

Are you interested in also attending a SAP Forum in your country? Then check out the upcoming SAP Forums here: http://events.sap.com/sap-forum-events/en/sapforumeurope?bc=1%2%0