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SAP University Alliances and openSAP were part of the first EduAction ‘Bildungsgipfel’ on July 1 -2, 2016  with around 1600 attendees in the Mannheim Congress Center Rosengarten. The event was kicked off by Luka Mucic as part of his engagement as chairman of the Metropolregion-Rhein-Neckar. Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, German Federal Minister for Education and Research, is the patron of the conference.


The EduAction education summit brought together all actors of the lifelong learning cycle, more than 150 pioneers of innovative educational projects and thought leaders in education shape contributed to a comprehensive and diverse two days program with 30 keynotes, 108 impuls talks, and 28 workshops. SAP University Alliances and openSAP was engaged with the workshops and the following presentations on the first EduAction day:

  • Preparing Talents for the Digital Enterprise: Dr. Michael Nürnberg, SAP University Alliances

  • MOOC on openSAP: Michaela Lämmler and Clemens Link, openSAP

  • Autism at Work – Integration von speziellen Talenten: Stefanie Nennstiel, People Sustainability

In the exhibition area SAP showcased prominently its activities around education addressing all stages of the education lifecycle: SAP Young Thinkers, SAP University Alliances Network, SAP Next-Gen Consulting, openSAP, CSR, Vocational Training and HR Campus Recruitment to the audience as well as the Industrie 4.0 & IoT theme: SAP cooperation with Festo.


On the next day SAP University Alliances facilitated two Design Thinking workshops.


The Workshop ‘Digital Skills for employees’ took place at the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg – Thanks to Bernd Böckenhoff, Academy Cube, Prof. Sachar Paulus, Prof. Thomas Smits and Prof. Kirstin Kohler, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, as well as Katrin Redmann, SAP University Alliances 50+ participants from industry, schools, and universities run through 3 impressive hours of intensive Design Thinking, with innovative prototype presentations in the end.


The Workshop ‘Transformation in Schools – Impact of Digital Transformation on Learning’ was led by Prof. Ulrich Weinberg, HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam and Christiane Bauer, SAP Young Thinkers Network.  Six d-school & SAP coaches guided the 60 participants including 19 high school students, professors, teachers and industry partners through 6 hours of teamwork on the challenge of  ‘Future of Learning’.

The final presentations showed a wide range of creative and innovative prototypes about Transformation in Schools and were presented in front of a jury with Luka Mucic, Dr. Bernd Welz, Matthias Baaß, Board Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e.V., Dr. André Becker, President Human Resources BASF, Prof. Dr. Dietmar von Hoyningen-Huene, Kuratorium Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e.V.; and Tom Ankirchner, Leiter Geschäftsbereich Weiterbildung IHK Pfalz.


Additional contributors of the SAP eco-system like Academy Cube, Wissensfabrik, FESTO Didactic, Trumpf, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, SRH Heidelberg, and many more were part of the program.


Media Coverage: RNF-TV.