Years past since SAP University Alliances came to Kazakhstan for the 1st time. As of that we won and lost and by Y2013 found ourselves in the situation when only one Kazakhstan university was UA member though, unfortunately, passive. Kazakhstan is a tasty dish with strong banking, mining and oil&gaz industries and SAP-systems bring good to many industrial leaders as well as to governmental structures. Obviously, we have all preconditions to be there and are willing to have the region on the UA members' list.
SAP Forum Almaty 2013 of May 17, 2013 provided a wonderful opportunity to boost collaboration thru the special SAP University Alliances CIS section. The strategy was developed to win minds of university representatives thru the following topics:
§ Step 1 – Overview «Kazakhstan: SAP territory» to build the understanding how deep SAP roots are in the country;
§ Step 2 – SAP University Alliances summary to introduce the program;
§ Step 3 – Opinion of known and respected local manager in higher education on SAP-based knowledge perspectives in Kazakhstan to earn trust;
§ Step 4 – SAP University Alliances proposal for cooperation as an «action required» point.

Session in numbers: 17 participants representing 4 universities + 3 partners.
May be, the attendance statistics doesn't impress by volumes which is fair enough for reload situation. Bright side is in intentions to become SAP UA members we got from Kazakhstan universities right after the session.
SAP University Alliances CIS hopes to have strong connections to beautiful and hospitable Kazakhstan in the nearest future.