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SAP University Alliances India is excited to partner with Festo Didactic and take part at the upcoming World Didac Bangalore 2015 from 9-11 September 2015.

The event is going to be full of participants from various academic institution in the country and we are eager to hear from them about their learning methodologies and philosophies.

SAP University Alliances and Festo Didac will together showcase the latest assets and resources on the Industry 4.0 and how we are bringing them to the academia. We strongly believe that academics would find such learning resources on such a trending topic to be very useful. Along with Industry 4.0 our focus will also be on topics such as Academy Cube and the SAP Young Thinkers Program where we would showcase our vision and road map with the participants.

Academy Cube is the worlds smartest platform to connect talents to the companies that are looking for them. The talents are also able to skill themselves up by using the various learning resources available via the platform. This makes it efficient for them to find the skills that are required for a particular career by a particular company.

(extracted from the link) The SAP Young Thinkers program aims to stimulate interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to help address the skills shortage that prevails
around the world today. The
program fosters entrepreneurial thinking and helps to ensure our youth is academia and career ready. We know the challenges faced by educators today. Keeping abreast of technology trends and industry changes can be difficult in
present-day environments.

This event is partnered by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (Govt of India) and Department of Education (Government of Karnataka).

Find more details on the event and Industry 4.0 by visiting these links here and stay tunes to @Sisn_UA for live Twitter updates!

SAP University Alliances Industry 4.0: State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Opportunities for Universities...

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Industry 4.0: State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Opportunities for Universities - Worlddidac India 2015 ...