Which leadership values will characterize successful companies in the future?
How do you create innovation through entrepreneurship, and how can you make sure that companies stay innovative when they grow larger?
How do you lead a great conglomerate through a great transformation?
How can financial innovation help the broader economy, and how can innovation be used directly to help some of those who have not yet felt much of the benefits of globalization?
These questions were addressed and answered at this year’s Aarhus Symposium with the topic Leadership and Innovation which took place on November 1, 2013.
Ten speakers amongst them Jim Hageman Snabe and other CEO’s of major companies as well as founders of smaller start-ups talked about the need for innovative processes and leaderships and global challenges that innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders face in the post-crisis era.
The non-profit organization Aarhus Symposium was founded in 2011 by students of the Aarhus University. Each year the members of the organization organize an event serving as a platform for students and leaders to exchange ideas and thoughts on global challenges through constructive presentations, forums and debates on global challenges.
In 2013 the SAP AG functioned as the platinum partner of the Aarhus Symposium. Jim Hagemann Snabe contributed in making the Aarhus Symposium successful by delivering a speech about the topic Facing Global Challenges with IT Innovation. During his lecture he presented key insights on how he and Bill McDermott, Co-CEO of the SAP AG, continuously work to establish a culture of innovation at SAP and what he regards as the largest challenges in this ongoing process. In addition, Jim focused on innovation as a key determinant in facing the challenges that businesses have to cope with when they are confronted with new technological opportunities and rapid shifts in their environment.
The SAP University Alliances team joined the event and supported Aarhus University by providing marketing materials and knowledge. In 2014 SAP University Alliances and Aarhus Symposium will continue with their successful cooperation.