On Jun 17th and 18th UA China team sucessfully organized University Alliance Infor Day and the 1st Academic Conference Great China at Beijing Jiaotong University. it was our privilege to bring together 140 China's facuties with leaders in our academic innovation network in China who are driving entrepreneurship and digital transformation.
On 17th the Digital Transformation infor Day,
- Ms Ann Rosenberg launched Academic Innovation Network and the first Next-Gen Space in China.
- Students entreprepreneurship with innovation project introduction by Tsinghua X-lab and Suger network project in Tongji
- SAP tehcnology driving digital transformation in enterprises shared by SAP customer Lenovo China Senior Architechture mananger.
- SAP 4.0 industry solution practice in China introduced by Festo China
- SAP innovation project with customer shared by Evan Ni the Head of Nanjing Innovation Lab
- Design thinking driving innovaiton for start up bring by China University of Communicaiton the Dean of Design Thinking School

on 18th the 1st Academic Conference Great China
- Frank Li the Director of UCC China introduced the Simple 4 Teaching service and BDIC service offered to UA member schools.
- Business one academic solution been introduced by B1 partner
- SAP Customer China Grid -Shandong introudced the SAP big data soluiton in Utility indursty.
- The head of edcuation China Jeff Pan introduced Learning hub students edition.
- A mini session of ERP sim was conduced in the afternoon for 18 facuties from 10 universities

In addition 40 student participate code Jam where they gained hands on exprience on coding Next-Generation mobile business apps with HANA cloud plateform and learned about upcoming activities in developing with both IOS and HCP.Ms.Ann Rosenberg has given a class openning for the students and encourage students to learn SAP technology on line and introduced Next-Gen space in BJTU.

During these two days event faculies gained the opportunity to meet experts and explore the SAP University Allince resource for Learn Apply Recruit Transform Empower and Impact.Faculties also take this great chance to experenced new learning method including Open SAP,SAP Learning Hub.
It was a versy success event with great positive feedback from particiated faculties