For the second year in a row SAP sponsored the Duke University Fuqua School of Business Association of Women in Business AWIB) conference. This year's event followed up on the 2014 AWIB Conference where SAP Marketing SVP Julie Roehm provided a "Storytelling" Workshop to kick off last year's conference. The Fuqua AWIB conference marked the fourth activity we sponsored and conducted for the 2014-2015 Fuqua academic year, which included sponsorship of the Fuqua Marketing and High Tech conferences and an SAP Corporate Education Session which focused on best practices on branding.
- This was a very special event as it marked the 10th annual conference put on by student leadership of the Fuqua AWIB; held at the Washington Duke Inn, on the corner of the Duke campus, it provided a very nice venue.
- The event was attended by over 200 women and another dozen or so men, mainly Fuqua first and second year MBAs but also a variety of people from the community and beyond.
- SAP as a major sponsor of the event was very fortunate to have Sharon Ruddock, the Global VP, Chief Learning Officer and COO for GCO University, and a member of the Duke/Fuqua MBA class of 1997
- As CLO of GCO University, Sharon manages a team providing comprehensive education programs for our field SAP sales organization
- Besides this event, Sharon is Executive Sponsor of our Duke/Fuqua activities and has contributed to thought leadership activities at the Fuqua School of Business, including a new research paper on careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Match (STEM) that Fuqua will be releasing later this month.
- Sharon spoke on a panel moderated by Caroline Fairchild, New Economy Editor from LinkedIn, along with female business leaders from Proctor and Gamble/Gillette, Aetna, Citigroup on the topic of "Taking Purposeful Risks"
- The overall feedback for the event was really great, and the audience enjoyed the overall perspectives these amazing women provided on and on a parallel panel "Crafting your own Board of Advisors”
- A networking reception and dinner followed with a fantastic keynote from Karen Quintos, CMO of Dell Computer.
Click here for the Fuqua AWIB Web Site for the "Breaking Glass" March 2015 event
Click here for a collection of pictures from the event.
Click here for my Storify Trip Report includes my tweets and images from the event.