There was an amazing SAP Lumira CodeJam that was driven together with Top SAP Partner TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) at Techno India University. The Codejam event was kicked off by Prof Soumitra Sansal from Techno India University who thanked both SAP UA and TCS for providing this wonderful platform to their students to challenge themselves and come out with innovative solutions. We then had Abir Mukherjee (Engagement Manager SAP Practice) and Kaushik Ghosh (Head Innovation Centre) from TCS talked about the great partnership with SAP and the various offerings from SAP in areas of Cloud, Analytics, Database that TCS are strongly supporting SAP customers with. Rahul from SAP University Alliances spoke about the Next-Gen initiative and the plans to roll it out to the Top colleges jointly with our SAP ecosystem.
The event saw a great participation from 38 students and 4 faculties and they were then divided into teams of 5 each which ensured great competitive spirit to work hard and win some cool SAP goodies (Winners Dream Books by Bill McDermott and SAP Next Gen caps) and opportunities for a long term engagement with TCS. The problem statements from both SAP and TCS ensured students got exposed to real issues that businesses are trying to tackle and hence in the process learnt not only about SAP Technologies but also about varied organizational concepts.

The student entries were closely judged by the TCS Team, and Anshul and Adhithya from SAP Labs who considered the additional efforts put in by the student to source the datasets on their own and then use Lumira to showcase some stunning Visualizations
We look forward to continue working with them to enable SAP customers and partners with visionary solutions from academia to inspire and accelerate their digital transformation journeys.