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We are extremely delighted to share with you a cool SAP CodeJam on SAP HANA Cloud Platform Codejam that took place at one of the top most engineerings college in India- IIT Bombay with a Top Global innovative company - Facebook on 27th August 2016. Rahul Sachdev, Head of SAP University alliances Indian Subcontinent, kicked off the event and talked about SAP Next-Gen Consulting where students have endless opportunities to innovate with SAP and our customers and partners. The Codejam was facilitated by Krishna Kumar S, Indhumathi Thiyagarajan and Yogesh Purantharan from SAP Labs Bangalore P&I team where they gave an overview of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and explained the steps involved in creating a "personlist" app through the various exercises. The application allows one to maintain a list of persons and is built on Java stack on HCP and uses SAPUI5 for the User Interface. Based on the exercise, following were the different challenges that the teams student teams worked on and built their solution /challenges. 1. Trip and Event planner 2. Project Management Portal 3. Scrum tracking 4. Geo VRAP In addition, Facebook threw certain challenges which was to bring in the Open Street maps from Facebook into consumption by doing the following 3 tasks. 1. Identify 2. Assign 3. Adopt Considering the time limitation, students were exploring on how to consume open street maps. The GEO VRAP student team used concepts of Open Street Maps in their application for map navigations. The application was to help citizens to find/report events happening( e.g. Fire event, pot hole open etc.) in the nearby location. The application also showcases the shortest routes to reach the location using geo maps ( open street maps underneath) and report the incidents. The students’ solutions were closely judged by Krishna, Indhumathi and Yogesh who considered the creativity, presentation and team efforts put in by the students with the best solution winning the  Winners Dream Books by Bill McDermott and the chance to participate at the SAP Innojam on 1st and 2nd October at SAP Labs Bangalore.  The winners were the team who developed the app on “Geo VRAP”.

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