SAP University Alliances was recently at Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University on 22 July to promote the upcoming SAP Techniversity as well as the SAP Lumira Challenge which was kicked off on 20 June 2014. It was amazing to interact with over 300+ students and 3 professors on various focus topics such as Cloud, Mobility, Database, Application and Analytics.
We thank the professors for supporting us to interact with the students and we invite all the students to take part in the SAP Lumira Challenge + encourage their friends to participate as well.
SAP Lumira Challenge 2014 is out and here is where you will find more information : University Challenge 2014 in India : SAP Lumira. Register Now and win iPad Mini, Samsung Galaxy S5 and Nokia XL!!! When we are there at your university we will share more about the challenge!
Here are the picture!!