Welcome to the March 2016 update of the SAP Learning Hub News. Here you will find the latest developments for SAP Learning Hub, openSAP and more. Check out the SAP Learning Hub News archive if you have missed previous updates. You can also sign up for our email newsletter here to get the news delivered directly to your inbox and provide feedback via our user satisfaction survey here.
openSAP Hits 1 Million Enrollments
In case you missed it, check out the official announcement on openSAP achieving over 1 million enrollments within three years. We thank the SAP online learning community for your continuing interest, trust, and support.
SAP Learning Room News
The SAP CRM Fundamentals Learning Room has been renamed and is now the SAP CRM Learning Room. This room now covers more than just the fundamentals! Three learning maps are forecasted to be available:
- Learning Map: CRM Application Associate
- Learning Map: CRM Professional Consultant
- Learning Map: CRM Technical Consultant
In other news, the SAP Commercial Project Management Learning Room has been made read-only.Some More SAP Learning Room NewsThe SAP CRM Fundamentals Learning Room has been renamed and is now the SAP CRM Learning Room. This room now covers more than just the fundamentals! Three learning maps are forecasted to be available:
- Learning Map: CRM Application Associate
- Learning Map: CRM Professional Consultant
- Learning Map: CRM Technical Consultant
In other news, the SAP Commercial Project Management Learning Room has been made read-only.
The SAP® Learning Room for Process Integration (PI) and Process Orchestration (PO) has undergone some significant updating. The room now consists of two learning maps: the totally new SAP Process Orchestration Learning Map and the original, but reworked SAP Process Integration Learning Map.
The PO learning map contains information about the modeling of business processes using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) in the SAP NetWeaver® Developer Studio tool. It refers to the BIT800 and BIT801 training courses. So it covers the Advanced Adapter Engine Extended (AEX), too. (Certification is on its way!) The PI learning map was updated and now focuses on another course, BIT750, AIF. It prepares for the certification "Development Associate C_TBIT44.”
User Satisfaction Survey in Home Space
The SAP Learning Hub User Satisfaction Survey is now available in the SAP Learning Hub home space. You can find it in the “Access” tile together with the Next Generation E-Learning Survey under the heading “Surveys.”
Also, the plain link to the SAP Learning Hub content catalog is now under the “All available learning content” section.
SAP Learning Hub Monthly Webinar
This is another reminder to everyone in APJ (as well as to insomniacs in other parts of the world) to check out the monthly webinar for SAP Learning Hub here. On March 15, Vivaldo Ferreira is scheduled to discuss the SAP Fiori®UX. All are welcome!
Happy Learning!