Hello Everyone,
Glad to inform the community that I passed the C_TFIN52_66 certification exam.
It was an excruciating one week, I would say, but I finished the exam in 90min and took another 30 minute to re-read and to make sure everything was right.
I thank the community for the support. Some of the links that helped me gain an idea of how to approach the exam were,
How to Approach and Pass a SAP Certification
by ravisankar.venna2.
Sap FICO Certification
An SAP Certification is something that I dreamed when I was in India, but the red tape was too irritating. Scheduling the exam and appearing for it is so easy here in USA. My first certification, SAP TERP10 was part of SAP University alliance which we took from the college itself.
Pearson VUE exam center for C_TFIN52_66 was in a college which was just a stones throw from my apartment. Scheduling and taking exam via Pearson was a pleasant experience. The customer care is very professional and the center staff is courteous.
So here is my two cents for people contemplating about an SAP certification,
1) Experience matters. I never had a formal training but extensively used my company's sandbox system along with the study material.
2) After you complete the exam, unless there is a 'Eureka moment' do not play with the selections you made. According to my TERP10 trainer, a study has shown (not sure what study) that the probability of getting a question about which you have absolutely no idea right is high with the first option(s) you selected.
3)Stick on to the materials and the syllabus. I read the TFIN50_1 and 2, AC305 only to pass the exam. Missing TFIN52_1 and 2 was a risk I had to take.
Thanks again everyone !
Rushing home for a much needed good night's sleep.