Thapar University hosted the Codejam on SAP ABAP on HANA at their University campus on 9th and 10th June 2014. The event was a complete sold out as 45 students and 3 faculties from the University participated in this cool event to experience SAP ABAP on HANA. Conducted by Sundaresan and Panneer from our SAP Labs team in collaboration with SAP University Alliances, the CodeJam session was very well received by the students.
The students spent 2 days on doing intensive hands-on coding, learning from the experts and networking with one another. They had undergone the SAP ABAP curriculum offered through the University Alliances program in their University and were able to appreciate on how SAP ABAP was now being offered on the HANA platform. While having fun, they were being exposed to SAP HANA platform and technologies. For students in particular, it was an eye-opening event where they enhanced their IT skills for the job market.