After seeing so many discussion and posing about how to crack SAP certification People asking about exam dumps , books to read , question bank and so many other ways to get certified.
Now I understand the people can get desperate about getting the certification but before getting certified individuals need to understand the purpose. If someone want to get the certification to get the job then as so many other person as already mentioned Certification =/= job.
What need to be understood that SAP certification is a structured learning approach for using SAP module and to enable the customer to get maximum benefit out of SAP software suite.
While not all experienced SAP professional if they sit the exam without preparation can clear it and not all new comer in SAP field which prepared for certification can clear it either, reason being experienced user might not be using the all the available options. Since there are multiple ways of getting the same result in the system they might be ignorant of certain aspect of SAP functionalities, while being at very good in their jobs. Certification for experience professional being the new insight of doing the work in better and optimised ways.
While new comer in SAP fields who had studied the certification material have good understanding of the various aspects that can be addressed in SAP modules but they will lack the practical skills which they will gain in working in production environment.
So what happens after certification exam is cleared?
An experienced professional if not using the new area explored in the SAP certification in this day to day job is better prepared to address challenges and will feel more confident on the subject.
A new comer in SAP field knows how SAP system works and given the chance he can deliver the request job.
Industry expectation: When posting an opening companies are generally looking for best candidate available in the market at best price and depending on the budget.
What happens at the job interview?
Both the above candidate will be able to clear the technical part of interview with obviously experienced professional sailing through it and new comer with some struggle. Choice is clear but the game does not end here since there are other factors to hiring like availability, pricing, and expertise level are taken into account.
Having a certification puts a new comes in SAP better positioned than without certification.
Also certification is a measure of minimum knowledge that a person has about the module and individual should aim for knowledge.