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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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With our openSAP course SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA we offered a less technical course focusing on the Business and IT Value of the SAP HANA Platform across different Lines of Business and Industries. In week 2, 3 and 4 learners had the freedom to choose the content and the topics they were mostly interested in.
We were interested to see how learners would perceive this business-focused offering and how they would engage within the flexible course structure with optional content and with the absence of a final exam.
Please have a look on the key statistics for the openSAP course SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA:

  • The course was held from April 9 through May 7, 2014.
  • 20,341 learners were enrolled on day 1 of the course.
  • When the course ended, this number had increased to 26,514. During the course, an additional 38% of participants joined.
  • There were 6,500 active learners (doing the assignments or posting in the forum). As the course set up was slightly different (no final exam, various assignments) we can only provide a range of active participants which is 25-27%.
  • We issued 3,961 graded Records of Achievement.
  • 120,000 videos were watched.
  • 1000 posts were created in the discussion forum.
  • 21.2 % of the course participants came from SAP.
  • The female to male ratio of course participants was 1: 5.4 (18.4%)

The following graph shows the geographical distribution of the course participants:

As with previous openSAP courses, the Top 3 countries were India (28,3%), USA (16,5%) and Germany (11,2%). The participants came from 149 countries.

Let´s have a look at the course participants by age which is shown in the graph below:

The age distribution shows a peak mainly from 30 to 34 year olds, which might lead to the conclusion that the topic has a high interest in a business environment.

Let´s have a closer look at the course structure.
The introduction in week 1 followed the standard openSAP course structure.
But with week 2 we started to introduce something completely new: learners had the freedom to choose from 9 Lines of Business, enabling participants to focus on their interests only. This approach allowed learners to enjoy a lean learning experience.
In the graph below you can see how many of the participants have chosen each Line of Business:

The interest on the Lines of Business was distributed quite equally. This also fits to the feedback we received that the multiplicity of topics in this course was appreciated by the participants.
We were happy to recognize that most of the participants liked the optional approach and focused on one or two Lines of business. 85% of the participants who finished assignments of week 2 did it for one or two units.

Week 3 followed the same approach as week 2 with flexible content. Instead of Lines of Business learners could choose between 12 Industries.
The graph below shows how many of the participants have chosen each Industry:

For Consumer Products, Oil and Gas, Automotive and Retail most of the assessments were completed.

Again we had a clear focus here: 89 % of the participants who did assignments for week 3 concentrated on one or two units.

In week 4, the participants could choose between week 4a for existing customers and week 4b for new customers. 85% of the learners decided to focus on one of the assignments.

In the diagram below you see the percentage of overall submitted assignments per topic. With a distribution of 60% and 40%, it was obviously the right approach to offer course content for both target groups - new and existing customers.

In summary, we can say that the participants like the flexible approach we offered in this course. Even though we had challenges with some technical issues (“My progress” did not reflect the learner’s status correctly) the feedback we received was mostly positive.

Please be aware that this blog post conveys my own, personal interpretation of the metrics we have gathered. What do you make of the data I have presented? I look forward to your comments.