Dear SuccessFactors Partners,
We have heard your feedback loud and clear that the current Delta Certification exam model seems to be too complex and makes it difficult for you to comply (especially those that have multiple certifications). We have seen the need to make it easier and valuable for you as consultants to stay up to date on key changes. Therefore, we are introducing this new Stay Current process:

We will produce quarterly delta training material that focuses on key changes and replace Delta Certification exams with Delta Assessments. These changes will be implemented in the Learning Hub (SML for Internals). We want to ensure that you are up to date on the latest release with minimal effort required.
The certification process will look as follows: Those who newly enter the ecosystem have to pass the current Associate Certification exam. This is the first step and always the basic requirement to start your certification journey. Secondly, as a certified consultant, you will Stay Current by reviewing the Delta Training and passing the associated assessment using your Learning Hub subscription to learn about quarterly release updates. This Delta Assessment will be taken directly from the Learning Hub without the need for a remote proctor.
Recertification may be necessary after a certain timeframe or major release change which will require you to take a new Associate Certification exam.
More details about how this will be implemented with our SuccessFactors Program will be announced in a webinar on August 24.