“STOMPP with Us” was a night full of extravagant events! Delaware State University STOMPPers had the pleasure of inviting and networking with a few outstanding professionals from the Delaware and Pennsylvania area during our First Annual Evening of Events. Mr. Paul McConnell was the keynote speaker during this event. He emphasized the importance of education and entrepreneurism in the millennial generation. Mr. McConnell extended an invitation to the members of STOMPP to take a trip to his 1313 Innovation Center in Wilmington, DE. We are really looking forward to that awesome opportunity.
SAP had a huge presence during of Evening of Events representing from both SAP North America HQ and SAP America Atlanta, was Tyrone Webb, Jr., Holly Hannah and Colleen Raftery. Having the great pleasure of network with all of them was an honor, not only for me, but all of the STOMPP students in attendance. We also had the opportunity to make contacts with Mrs. Kathy McGuiness, she is currently in the running for Delaware Lieutenant Governor.
After a spectacular dinner, we were entertained by a few talented students from a Delaware State University, with their beautifully sung voices and lyrically intense raps and spoken word. I can honestly say, the 1st Annual “STOMPP with Us” Evening of Events was a hit! I am already looking forward to the next Evening of Events in the future!
- Autumn Mack, Delaware State University, STOMPP Social Media Coordinator (Member)