Welcome to the Q4 Special Feature Edition of the SAP Learning Hub News. In this special edition we would like to inform you of our latest development. If you would like to see our December or older news just check out the SAP Learning Hub News archive to catch up on previous updates. You can also sign up for our email newsletter here to get the news delivered directly to your inbox.
Stay tuned for the upcoming regular January SAP Learning Hub News Update!
Learning Journey Functionality Updates
For an enhanced navigation and greater experience, we have updated our Learning Journeys. These key features include:
• Addition of search functionality
• Improved filter functionality with streamlined topic list and roles
• Enhanced interactivity of tiles (tile expansion) for more insight into the content available
• Simplified visual design and appearance
Additionally, you will be also able to enroll in learning programs that are based on the scenarios contained in the Learning Journeys. Through this new feature, when enrolling to a learning program, you can immediately start to
monitor your progress towards completing a Learning Journey scenario. This new feature is already live for the
SAP S/4HANA Implementation Tools and Methodology Learning Journey and will be available for all others in the near future.
Check out the Learning Journeys within SAP Learning Hub under the Learning Journeys tab or the '
access tile' to start your learning activities.