Excited to host about 50 students from PANDIAN SARASWATHI YADAV ENGINEERING COLLEGE at SAP Labs, Bangalore on 12 September 2014.
We have lined up a good looking agenda for these students where we educated them on SAP, our focus technologies such as Cloud, Mobility, Application, Database, Analytics. We also touched up SAP Student Entrepreneurship by showcasing the SAP University Alliances Innovation Lab which is a great platform to empower student entrepreneurs with curriculum, mentors, experts, software and so much more.
We also talked to the students about Big Data, Internet of Things amongst other interesting topics.
Sai from the SAP Lumira team did an amazing demo of how powerful the software is in analyzing and visualizing data!! WOW. He covered such diverse topics such as genomics, Big Data, info-graphics. We expect to have generated keen interest in the SAP Lumira University Challenge and have give out more than 50 CDs with SAP Lumira loaded.