SAP Education offers a new certification called: C_TBI30_74 - SAP Certified Application Associate - Business Intelligence with SAP BW 7.4 & SAP BI 4.1
This certification covers the following topics:
- BI Foundation
- Business Explorer Query Designer (BEx Query Designer)
- Management of BEx Queries
- SAP BusinessObjects Analysis
- SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
- SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
- SAP Crystal Reports
- SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards
- SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
- Semantic Layer in SAP BI
To learn all these topics SAP recommends attending the following courses:
TBI10 > TBI15 > TBI30 (each one is a 5 days course)
The certification is part of the last day of TBI30 course. If these courses are not offered in your location you can also attend the following alternative courses:
TBI10 = BW305
TBI15 = BOAN10 + BOD310
TBI30 = BO100
If you like you can check out the SAP Education Training WebShop and read more details about the certification content or the courses related to that. In most cases you can also download a course outline document for the courses.
Compared to the previous certification C_TBI30_73 - SAP Certified Application Associate - Business Intelligence with SAP BW 7.3 and SAP BI 4.0 the changes are:
- Update of the related courses to BW 7.4 and BI 4.1
- Remove of TBI20 (BEx Web Application Designer and BW backend fundamentals)
- Addition of TBI15 (BusinessObjects Analysis & BusinessObjects Design Studio)
Hope you like the new certification concept.
In Germany we will start delivering the new courses and certification from 19. Jan. 2015
Please also check my post. NEW: Modeling and Data Management with SAP BW 7.4 - SAP Certified Application Associate