Hi All,
I got sponsored by my company to write SAP certification on Project Management.
C_70_PM and even they have quoted the following for all.
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you all that upon our request SAP has offered 25% discount on the certification cost (Rs.35,000/- Plus Service tax) for the associates who would like to take up the exam in the month of August 2013 and 20% who would like to take the exam in the month of September 2013 and 15% for October 2013.
In addition to the above company is pleased to inform you all that
1. The organization would arrange an education loan through bank as following:
a. for Rs.26,250/- + 12.36% Service Tax for all those who are attending the exam in the month of August 2013
b. for Rs.28,000/- + 12.36% Service Tax for all those who are attending the exam in the month of September 2013
c. for Rs.29,750/- + 12.36% Service Tax for all those who are attending the exam in the month of October 2013
2. The organization will arrange to pay the Interest on the education loan taken by all associates
3. The organization would be assuming the repayment of the monthly installment from the month of passing the Certification Exam
4. Organization would also facilitate for studies and practical for all those who need assistance.
Please feel free to enroll and make the good use of the onetime opportunity being provided by SAP and company together.
Good Offer Right.