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“Who wants to vote on camping here tonight?” a P&I IoT Challenge team member joked to his fellow competitors in Bangalore this year. Teams representing multidisciplinary P&I roles innovated like technology startups for three weeks -- consulting with idea owners and end users, evaluating available internal solutions, performing comprehensive market research, building and testing their IoT prototypes and scenarios, and much more.

The participating teams put themselves through it for more than just management recognition, the chance at a team dinner and a small surprise. They also did it for the fun and camaraderie. The high level of bonding and team spirit that immediately emerged surprised even the participants.

“We did not want to stop,” one 2016 P&I IoT Challenge team member said. “Going back to work was very sad.”


T h e   B e g i n n i n g

The P&I IoT Challenge 2016 took place at SAP offices from around the world, from Walldorf to St. Ingbert, Sofia to Shanghai, Bangalore to Gurgaon. A total of 165 people – within 12 teams of 12 to 15 participants – participated in the challenge. Getting to know new multidisplinary teammates was also a great way to network.

“The idea of bringing 12 random people and ask them to do something in IoT is truly amazing,” a challenge team member said. “You get to see so much potential and enthusiasm … [and] you get to find so many self-motivated people.”


M i s s i o n

Tanja Rueckert, EVP of the LoB Digital Assets and IoT, shared Gartner’s report, “Gartner estimates that by 2020, 75 percent of business will be digital, or have a digital business transformation underway.” Such transformation has to take place now.

“Our opportunity is to support our customers as they reimagine their businesses, enabled by our IoT solutions,” Tanja said in a message to participants. “This will effect everything we design, code and deliver.”

This challenge started with this mission in mind. The participating teams received the freedom to select own scenarios. There was no interference from the management nor challenge coordinators during their three weeks challenge period. They could freely consult the idea owners/customers/end-users, evaluate the market and technologies, and develop their scenarios.


T h e   W i n n i n g   I d e a s

Considering different aspects like used technology, how the extended use case can support SAP’s customer reimagining their businesses, and more, the following 3 teams – without any further ranking – are the winners of P&I IoT Challenge 2016. These teams discovered innovations for SAP to help the world run better.


Usage Based Insurance

Team “Rolling Pearls” from Shanghai demonstrates how their scenario and proposed solution can read, collect, analyze, and processes data which shows how well drivers operate their automobiles. It also differentiates safer drivers, allowing for an adjustable insurance costs/rewards system.

Contact Bin Zhou and Megan Liang to understand how their scenario can extend your business network in a way which you have never thought before.


Gate Automation

Team “STIoT” from St. Ingbert shows how their scenario and solution can optimize commercial transportation yard functions and reduce trucks’ processing times.

Contact Florian Waidner and Timo Kohr about the scenario and effectiveness of their solution to better equip the truck drivers as well as process optimization of your yard logistics.


Run Diabetes Better

Team “IoT Crowd” from Walldorf integrates all patient’s personal medical devices for managing diabetes into one single smartphone application.

Patrick Muller and  Le-Huan Stefan Tran can give you more insight into this integration to extend your current business model as well as saving the life of the diabetic patients.

Is it worth it for SAP to run such a challenge? The answer is a clear “YES”!

Bold ideas extend imagination. Imagination thrives SAP employees to think big. Such competitive atmosphere driving creativity and teamwork does not fade with this challenge but will continue to root and inspire the daily life and work of the participating teams.

SAP will continue with its mission to foster the innovation to support you as you reimagine your business

To know more about the challenge, please contact SAP Development University