Since the signature of University Alliance Partnership, SAP is becoming a significant partner of Toulouse Business School and is associated to several different cursus and programs.
In the context of these relations, SAP UA has been invited to participate to the "Big data marketing" program dedicated to 42 selected students.
Fist exercise was a business case to create a strategy around Big Data for an utility company.
This business case was animated by SAP specialists Muge Yurdae (Global Practice Lead) and Thierry Donnadieu (Global Head of Sales Big Data + Cloud Analytics services ).
The content of the session was as follwing :
- Read the case study.
- Produce a one page Business Value Scenario document that outlines the potential for the company to realize true business value by adopting a SAP Big Data strategy.
- Develop a Big Data maturity assessment for the company
- Determine and create a target architecture for the company
- Create a strategic roadmap for the company . Also incorporate both organization and data governance suggestions that will support the strategic roadmap.
- Develop a 20 minute presentation to defend the rational for the recommendations made in the five deliverables.
After the presentation of the business case, the students got a presentation on Big Data topics :
- Why Big Data and Why Now? (Market, value, importance, differentiators, etc)
- The Art of the Possible ( Use cases)
The students worked during one day on this business case. They will, then, be coached during a few individual sessions before final presentation to the jury on th 9th of April.
This experience will be extended to Barcelona cursus in April where the same session will be proposed to the students.
On the same day, SAP UA was also invited to participate to another session for "master specialized in internal audit and controlling".
UA team together with Gregoire Desombre (EPM consultant) animated a specific session to introduce EPM solutions to 42 students of this option.
We presented :
- an overwiew of SAP solutions for EPM
- SAP main competitors on this market and SAP position on the market
- New challenges, new competencies for controllers and CFO
- Presentation of project methodology, challlenges and risks
- Roles Careers
In the afternoon, Gregoire Desombre focused on budget and forecast cycle and presented a product demo on BPC with specific scenarii which was much appreciated.
Thanks a lot to our great speakers for their time, investment and participation to this "SAP day" at Touloiuse Business School.
Our participation will be reinforced with a next session including a presentation of predictive analysis solution and business case.